FOUR: there's lots of good smiths in the sea
Internet sources are indicated by tildes (e.g. ~internet). A complete list can be found on the Sources page. Due to the transient nature of Internet entries, only a few hyperlinks will be provided to outside webpages; such as ~a (, ~f (, ~g (, and ~w ( The United States Federal Census records for 1850 through 1940 cited below are available at ~a (except for 1890's, which was badly damaged in a 1921 fire and later quietly destroyed).
As in earlier chapters, the designations Sr., Jr., and III used below were not likely to have been used by any of the fathers/sons sharing a first name (except for King George). In most cases the present author has tried to indicate this with [square brackets].
Great Britain and its American colonies did not adopt the Gregorian Calendar until 1752. Years began on March 25th; the last day of the previous year was March 24th. This may be reflected below in winter dates displayed with split years: e.g. "January 1, 1751/52." (Other split years may indicate uncertainty as to an exact date.)
S-7 The Waterhouses
● House by the Water
The Penguin Dictionary of Surnames (by Basil Cottle, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1967, p. 306) prosaically defines Waterhouse as meaning "house by the water," noting localities of that name (or its plural) in County Durham and Staffordshire. The Oxford Press Dictionary of American Family Names (available at ~a) goes into more detail, defining the surname as "English (chiefly Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Midlands): topographic name for someone who lived in a house by a stretch of water or perhaps a moated house, from Middle English water 'water' + hous 'house.'"
Countless houses having been built near water in the North and Midlands of England, many families named Waterhouse dwelt there and emigrated to America. George Herbert Waterhouse [1862-1955], a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, considered them all to be branches of the same family; his attempt to document this clan (completed in 1934) ran to to 1,594 typewritten pages, excluding a 199-page Index (all viewable at ~a). "Had the writer realized the amount of time that would be required to compile the genealogy," he remarked, "it would never have been undertaken." And this gargantuan effort is limited to Descendants of Richard Waterhouse of Portsmouth, New Hampshire: with notes on the descendants of Jacob Waterhouse of New London, Conn., Joshua Waterhouse of New Jersey and others.
A scant fourteen pages—1,579 to 1,592—are devoted to "JOSHUA WATERHOUSE and his DESCENDANTS. Contributed by John W. Lequear, and Miss Alice Waterhouse, of Washington, Tenn." A far more comprehensive survey appeared in 1974 when Carmack Waterhouse [1908-1995] published his monograph Certain Topics on the Ingham, Waterhouse, and Allied Families (272 pages, followed in 1976 by an 89-page Supplement). These two sources are denoted below as "JWD" and "Carmack" respectively, with Carmack pages ending in "-s" indicating the Supplement.
"MASN" stands for the present author's aunt, Mildred Aileen Nash neé Mellie Agnes Smith: firstborn child of Francis See Smith and Katherine Lucille Waterhouse. MASN in turn credits her aunt Agnes Waterhouse Martensen as "the one who kept [genealogy] alive in her family and as long as I can remember she showed me pictures and told me stories of who did what... I have so much on [the Waterhouses] it could cover a book. The Waterhouse branch came from Yorkshire, England, in 1705 to Kingwood, New Jersey. They had textile mills there..."
● Woolgathering
"Wool was 'the flower and strength and revenue and blood of England,'" remarks the Encyclopedia Britannica, and "the wool industries were, beyond comparison, the most important sources of wealth in the country."±1 English wool was considered the best in Europe; its export in raw form was either restricted or prohibited for centuries, so that the English woolen textile trade might flourish. Its heart was the West Riding of Yorkshire, "mostly in the area bounded by Keighley, Leeds, Wakefield and Colne and Holme valleys,"±2 including the towns of Huddersfield and Halifax. A statute dating from the 1550s remarked:
The parish of Halifax, &c. being planted on the great waste and moores, where the fertility of the ground is not apt to bring forth any corne, nor good grasse, but in rare places, and by exceeding and great industry of the inhabitants; and the same inhabitants altogether doe live by cloth making; and the great part of them neither getteth corne, nor is able to keep a horse to carry wools, nor yet to buy much wool at once, but hath ever used to repair to the town of Halifax, &c. and there to buy upon the wool driver, some a stone, some two, and some three or foure, according to their ability, and to carry the same to their houses, some three, foure, five, and six miles off, upon their heads and backes, and so to make and convert the same either into yarne or cloth, and to sell the same, and so to buy more wool of the wool driver, by means of which industry, the barren grounds in these parts be now much inhabited...±3
This statute was cited by an 1837 History, Gazetteer, and Directory of the West-Riding of Yorkshire, which added:
The history of Huddersfield does not furnish much matter for the gratification of antiquarian research... In Domesday book, Odersfelt (now Huddersfield) is described as being nearly all in waste. Indeed, this part of the country is naturally barren and unproductive; but its local advantages for manufacture, arising principally from its coals and waterfalls, has raised it to the rank of one of the principal seats of the woollen trade in the kingdom.±4
"The moorlands and bleak hill-sides too coyly visited by the sun gave short but sweet herbage for sheep, and the wool of the West-Riding was prized even above that of the more fertile counties," rhapsodized D.F.E. Sykes in his 1898 History of Huddersfield and Its Vicinity [by D.F.E. Sykes, Huddersfield: The Advertiser Press, 1898]. "A means of employment and a source of food was presented by the weavers' craft. Every cottager might be a weaver and every weaver was really a manufacturer."
The late Rev. Alfred Easther,... in his Glossary of the Dialect of Almondbury and Huddersfield, describes the process of cloth manufacture as it was carried on before the factory system and the introduction of complicated machinery revolutionized the process... "Formerly," he says, "every weaver was really a manufacturer or master clothier. Such men would go to Huddersfield, buy their 50 lbs weight of wool, carry it home on their backs, spread it out on the house-floor, strinkle it with oil, layer on layer, then beat it with sticks. Hand cards were then used. They tossed it altogether, then turned it off in a floss state, as they do now by the scribbling machine. They worked it together in long slivings; it was then spun into tough or fine threads, then into warp and woof.
"The piece when made was spread on the floor. A large kitful of urine (weeting) and swine's dung was taken and strained through straw; it was then sprinkled on the cloth, and, as may be imagined, the smell in the house was horrible. As they lecked one piece it was laid down, and so layer on layer were placed, in the form of a long parallelogram raised from the ground; then all the members of the house got up and trampled it. There it lay till morning; it was then wrapped up in a bundle and taken to Honley (or the nearest place) to a fulling [i.e. finishing] mill, it was scoured, the offensive fluid washed out of it, and it was then brought dripping home. It was next trailed over furze-bushes, hung out upon the walls, and the small pieces pulled off in the bushes whisked from it; then burled in the house by the family.
"Then it was taken again to the mill, and placed in the fulling stocks with soap, by which it was reduced in dimensions. It was afterwards laid on the mill-stone (a long stone table) and stamped by the Government Official, who affixed seals to the piece impressed with the length and breadth. It was then carried home, and as it was being fastened to the tenters the family pulled at one end to increase the length. If it was stamped for (say) fifty yards it would thus stretch to fifty-one or fifty-two, and shrunk again on being finished. The market was at Huddersfield, and the cloth was exposed for sale on the church-yard wall..."
Thus, after a rude fashion, was the wool scoured, oiled, scribbled, carded and spun, by these petty manufacturers, each within his own lowly home.±5
Daniel Defoe, in his 1724 Tour through Great Britain, wrote that the land around Halifax
was divided into small enclosures from two acres to six or seven each, seldom more, every three or four pieces of land having a house belonging to them; hardly a house standing out of speaking distance from another. We could see at every house a tenter, and on almost every tenter a piece of cloth or kersie or shalloon. At every considerable house there was a manufactory. Every clothier keeps one horse at least to carry his manufactures to the market; and every one generally keeps a cow or two or more for his family. By this means the small pieces of enclosed land about each house are occupied, for they scarce sow corn enough to feed their poultry. The houses are full of lusty fellows, some at the dye-vat, some at the looms, others dressing the cloths; the women and children carding or spinning, being all employed from the youngest to the oldest. . . . . Not a beggar to be seen or an idle person.±6
Less cheerfully, the 1734-35 Annals of Yorkshire sympathized with the village of Ossett (about fifteen miles east of Halifax, which is eight or so miles northwest of Huddersfield):
The inhabitants of Ossett have been employed in making broad woollen cloth from time out of mind. In this year the weavers, &c. employed in that trade, had to work fifteen hours every day for eight-pence. A horn was blown at five o'clock in the morning, the time for beginning, and at eight at night, the time for leaving their work. The clothiers had to take their goods to Leeds to sell, and had to stand in Briggate in all sorts of weather.±7
Jonas Ingham, born c.1680 in Yorkshire's West Riding, was "skilled in the manufacture and finishing of cloth, of good birth and well educated" [Carmack 7]. He was also a Quaker, growing up at a time when many in the Society of Friends were emigrating to the American colonies of West Jersey, East Jersey, and Pennsylvania across the Delaware River: named after its Quaker founder. As he prepared to emigrate, Jonas obtained documentation of his status as a Friend:
From our Monthly Meeting att Burton in the West Rideing of the County of York ye 9th day of the 8th Month 1702. These are to Certifie any whom it may concearn in America or Elsewhere that Jonas Ingham a member of our Monthly Meeting — hath walked orderly in his life & Conversation & in unity and concord with ffriends and we also testifie yt he is clear from any Ingagement to any Woman upon the Account of Marriage to the best of our knowledge. Witness our hands, the day and year above said. To our welbeloved ffriends in West Jersey or Elsewhere in America. [As per ~mccarthy-anderson, from the Certificates Received by Burlington MM, 1675-1749, in Swathmore College's Quaker Library]
The village of Burlington was established in 1677, on a high bluff overlooking Delaware Bay, and served as West Jersey's provincial capital till 1702 when West and East were amalgamated into New Jersey. In 1706 Jonas Ingham arrived in New York, visited friends in New Jersey, and leased his first textile fulling mill five miles above Bristol on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware, opposite Burlington (as per Carmack 3s); later shifting southeast of Burlington on Rancocas Creek. In Feb. 1710, having been received into the Burlington Monthly Meeting of Quakers, Jonas married Elizabeth Woodhouse Burcham (born Feb. 18, 1680/81: daughter of Anthony Woodhouse and Frances [surname? died 1686]), who had inherited a 200-acre farm in Northampton Township from her late husband James Burcham (1670-1709). Jonas Ingham took their two children, Elizabeth Ann Burcham (born 1706) and Joseph Burcham (1708-1775), into his household—later billing the Burcham estate for boarding and "scowling" them—and fathered three children of his own who lived to adulthood: Jonathan Ingham (1710-1799), Mary Ingham (1723-1790), and Elizabeth Ingham (1724?-1797).
Quakers had settled the Falls of the Delaware as early as 1679. By 1719 this New Jersey community adopted the name "Trent-towne" and it became accessible by road. The Ingham family moved here in the early 1720s, and Jonas set up a fulling mill at the mouth of Assunpink Creek, a tributary of the Delaware. "Jonas's ledger shows that by 1724 business was good in Trenton where he remained until 1730. After that, early Lequear writings say that Jonas went to what was later Fretz Mill on the creek above Lumberville and that he established a small woolen mill. At that time, farmers's wives spun the woolen yarn for their homespun broadcloth and took it to the mill where it was woven and fulled (finished)" [Carmack 8].
By 1735 the Inghams crossed the Delaware into Bucks County, Pennsylvania, named after William Penn's Buckinghamshire home in England. Here at Great Spring near New Hope in Solebury Township, Jonas established a lasting textile operation—"the first cloth or fulling mills in the State±8"—and among those he hired to work there would be the Waterhouse paterfamilias.
● Joshua of Yorkshire
JWD summarizes him thusly: "Joshua Waterhouse came to this country about 1730 from Yorkshire, England, and first settled in Bucks County, Pa. Here he was a fuller and cloth finisher. Later he removed to Hunterdon County, New Jersey, where he took up several hundred acres of land, upon which he settled and passed the remainder if his life. He is said to have acquired a competance [sic] mainly by his own industry and energy. He married, Elizabeth, dau. of Jonas Ingham, and died 1 Oct. 1773" [JWD 1,579].
Carmack goes into greater detail: "About 1735, Joshua Waterhouse arrived in Bucks Co. from the Huddersfield-Halifax area of Yorkshire, England. He was not an educated man, but was skilled in the textile field. Jonas Ingham employed Joshua and finding him amiable, compatible and industrious, took him into his business and his home and in about 1737, Joshua married his daughter, Elizabeth" [Carmack 8].
Numerous webgens give Joshua Waterhouse an exact birthdate of Mar. 2, 1693, and an exact birthplace of "St. Peter, Huddersfield, Halifax." Both entries appear to be drawn from ~f's database of "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," which does show that a Joshua—son of William Waterhouse and an unnamed mother—was christened at Huddersfield's St. Peter on Mar. 2, 1693. Some webgens state this Joshua's parents were Samuel Waterhouse (1663-1702) and Mercy Brooksbank (1670-1744); some give Joshua siblings—Sarah (born 1695), Samuel (1696-1756), and John (1698-1759); some trace his lineage back further, saying Samuel Waterhouse's parents were John Waterhouse (1631-1664) and Pricilla Chadwick (1635-1664).
What none of these webgens provide is confirmation that the Joshua Waterhouse christened on Mar. 2, 1693 was the same Joshua who emigrated to Bucks County PA circa 1735. Given how many Waterhouses lived in Yorkshire's West Riding, and the popularity of "Joshua" (like all Old Testament names) around the turn of the 18th Century, we can't presume only one was born in or near Huddersfield at this time. (In fact another Joshua Waterhouse, son of a William Waterhouse, would be christened at the selfsame church on Sep. 9, 1741.) Even a unique-looking name like Mercy Brooksbank—eminently suitable for marital union with a Waterhouse—crops up again and again in ~a's database of "West Yorkshire Baptisms, Marriages, and Births," as the spouse of George Whittaker, John Deplidge, Abraham Brooksbank, John Brooksbank, and David Brooksbank (as well as "Samll Waterhouse"). Nor can this refer to one Zsa Zsa Gaborlike individual, since at least two of the Mercys lived in the 19th Century.
The only available documentation for our Joshua's birthyear is in ~a's database of "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900." This shows Joshua Waterhouse (born 1705 in "EN") marrying Elizabeth Ingham (born 1722 in "NJ") in the year 1737. His own parentage must remain conjectural; not least because Yorkshire was thought to be "distinguished for its horse thieves." After Joshua's arrival, Bucks County newspapers notified readers to be prepared "for the detection and apprehending of horse thieves and other Villains." Despite this, Carmack assures us "Joshua was not found swinging at the end of a rope," quoting John Lequear's comment that "I believe most of his descendants are fond of good horses and very skillful in the management of that noble animal, but I have never heard of them taking things clandestinely" [Carmack 9-10].
The 1881 History of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties, New Jersey mentioned that Jonas Ingham's "daughter Elizabeth married Joshua Waterhouse, who came from Yorkshire, England, in 1735. In 1746 he purchased a tract of land of George Fox, Sr., a mile east of Kingwood Tavern, and settled upon it. In 1763 he purchased 247 acres adjoining land of Israel Pemberton and wife."±9 Carmack says the initial sale from George Fox was for 154 acres, and that Joshua ultimately owned 477 acres at Kingwood in Hunterdon County NJ, across the Delaware River from Bucks County PA. Here the Waterhouses settled in 1746; Kingwood Township would be established circa 1749. "The Kingwood section... is generally located on a plateau which is gently rolling and is at a substantial elevation above the surrounding country and the Delaware River. It is said to have a layer of very hard stone some distance below the surface of the ground that traps the water when it rains and maintains the moisture in the soil, making it particularly desirable for farming" [Carmack 12].
Elizabeth Woodhouse Burcham Ingram died Dec. 30, 1748, "and is believed to be buried at the Buckingham Meeting Burial Grounds. Jonas Ingham then went to live at the home of his daughter, Elizabeth, at Kingwood, New Jersey, where he enjoyed the association with the amiable Joshua Waterhouse. He remained there until his death" on Nov. 15, 1754 [Carmack 14]. His will (as per ~mccarthy-anderson) was abstracted as follows:
Ingham, Jonas, of Kingwood, Hunterdon Co., fuller; will of. Children—Jonathan Ingham, of Solebury, Buck Co., fuller; Mary (wife of Hezekiah Bye, of Solebury, yeoman); Elizabeth (wife of Joshua Waterhouse, of Kingwood). Grandchildren—John, Jonathan and Jonas Ingham. Personal estate incl. a great Bible and other books. Executor and residuary legatee—Son-in-law Joshua Waterhouse. Witnesses George Fox, Gabriel Fox, Ambros Fox. Proved December 24, 1754.
Jonas Ingham was "buried at the Rosemont Cemetery in Hunterdon Co, N.J. in a grave marked by a field stone with his initials and date scratched on it according to Quaker custom" [Carmack 14]. The stone can be viewed at ~g, though indexed there as "Ingram"; its scratchings read "J + I / No.r 15. 1755"—the last 5 very distinct.
Joshua Waterhouse left a will dated Sep. 29, 1772 (also as per ~mccarthy-anderson):
Waterhouse, Joshua, of Kingwood, Hunterdon Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Elizabeth, use of house and some goods. Son, Ambrose, 100 acres of my plantation. Son, Jonas, 100 acres of said plantation. Son, Henry, 100 acres of said plantation. Sons, Ambrose, Jonas and Henry, the rest of the plantation, being 100 acres. Son, Hezekiah, £70. Son, Ingham, £90, when he is of age. Son, William, £80, when of age. Daughter, Elizabeth Green, £20. Daughter, Mary Waterhouse, 30. Grandson, Jonathan Bercroff, £5, when of age. Son, Jonas, is to provide for his mother. Executors—sons, Ambrose, Jonas and Henry, all of Kingwood Township, yeoman. Witnesses—Francis Tomlinson, Uriah Bonham, James Snyder. Proved Oct. 27, 1772.
Joshua died Oct. 1, 1772 and was buried in Rosemont Cemetery; his estate was inventoried on Oct. 23rd. His stone (also viewable at ~g) reads "J.W. / Oct.1772". Elizabeth Ingham Waterhouse survived him till 1797, dying aged 73; her will was dated Feb. 11th of that year (again as per ~mccarthy-anderson):
Waterhouse, Elizabeth, of Kingwood, Hunterdon Co., relict of Joshua Waterhouse; will of. Granddaughter, Elizabeth Hoof, one feather bed and furniture. Granddaughter, Elizabeth Hooglant, one case of drawers. Daughter, Elizabeth Green, remainder of household furniture, to [be] divided amongst her daughters. Sons, Ambrose and Henry, each £10. Son, Hezekiah, 5 shillings. Son, William, £10. Grandson, Jonathan Barcroft, 1 shilling. Grandson, Edward Shearman, 1 shilling. Grandson, William Waterhouse, £5, when of age. Son, Ingham, residue and sole Executor. Witnesses—Amos Bonham, Dinah Tomlinson and Uriah Bonham. Proved May 3, 1797.
Elizabeth's stone at Rosemont Cemetery is more elaborately engraved: "A. 73 / ELIZA / WIFE OF / JOSHUA / WATERHO / USE. 179"—with the last digit obscure. ~g (calling her Elizabeth "Ingram" Waterhouse) interprets that last digit as 4, giving her a 1721 birthyear. Since ~a's New Jersey Abstract of Wills confirms she died in 1797, Elizabeth's birthyear would be circa 1724.
● Elizabeth's Inghams
Elizabeth Waterhouse's older brother Jonathan Ingham [Sr.] (born 1710) "was said to be brilliant, bordering on genius, very eccentric, a fanatical Quaker and tyrannical to the point where most of his children hated him... [But] was thrifty, a remarkably public spirited man having held various public offices, had excellent business judgment and [upon his death in 1799] left a legacy for the education of the indigent, so perhaps these were the compensating factors" [Carmack 12-14].
In 1735 Jonathan married Deborah Bye (born 1709), daughter of the Inghams's Bucks County neighbors John Bye (1675-1731) and Sarah Pearson (1680-1731). "The Byes were educated, prominent and prosperous" [Carmack 8] and Jonathan Ingham added to that prosperity. Himself a skilled fuller, he took over his father's Great Spring textile operation when the aging Jonas became "fractious" and left to join the Waterhouses. In 1747 Jonathan purchased part of a beautiful Solebury Township tract from William Penn's secretary James Logan; there he built Ingham Manor [pictured on Carmack 13; floor plan on Carmack 7s] which would be mentioned in Richard Pratt's Treasury of Early America Homes and a 1940s issue of Ladies' Home Journal. Jonathan and Deborah had five children:
* John Ingham
(1738-1772, a Quaker minister; "likewise brilliant and eccentric, persisted in
differing with his father, got into trouble several times, and finally smashed
his father's expensive clock, it is said that Jonathan kept him locked in an
Insane Asylum until he died. There has been speculation about how
[Jonathan's] wife, Deborah, could have accepted this situation but apparently
she was placid and her tolerance seems to have won the love of her children" [Carmack
* Sarah Ingham (born 1741; in 1762 married tailor Samuel Kinsey
[born 1734] and had five children; after Sarah's brothers fell out with their
father, the Kinseys moved to Great Spring and ran the Ingham farm; later
moved to Baltimore, where Samuel enlisted as an officer in the
Revolutionary War; the deathdates and burial places of Sarah and Samuel are
uncertain. "It is said that Jonas Ingham brought a silver watch and chain
from England and that this prized possession has been handed down through the
Kinsey family to a 'Jonathan Ingham Kinsey' in each succeeding generation.
If so, it is the only remaining tangible property of the original ancestor still
in existence" [Carmack 33])
* Dr. Jonathan Ingham [Jr.] (born July 16, 1744 at Great Spring; studied
medicine while in disfavor with his father; in 1772 married Ann Welding
[1756-1821] of Bordentown NJ; had nine children, including
Samuel Delucenna Ingham [1779-1860];
after a rapprochement with his father, purchased the family estate and completed
construction of Ingham Manor; while operating the textile mill, practiced
medicine and taught at Princeton University; offered medical services to the
Colonial army and allowed Washington's troops to camp on the Ingham estate
during the 1776 retreat from New Jersey; went to Philadelphia to treat victims
of the yellow fever epidemic, to which he succumbed Oct. 7, 1793. "No one
would bury him, so his wife and slave [Cato] had to dig a grave and bury him in
the edge of the Presbyterian Church graveyard, Bethlehem, N.J. [Carmack 17].
His widow Ann married John Simpson and moved to Ohio; "until the close of
her life she practiced successfully as a physician, keeping a horse and riding
around the country in response to calls" [Carmack 21]).
* Jonas Ingham [II] (born 1746; "As a youth, he was very bright and
industrious, but sensitive and reacted strongly to criticism... Relations
deteriorated to the point where Jonas... refus[ed] to sit at the table with his
father" [Carmack 25], living instead with sister Sarah and the Kinseys. In
1771 Jonas married Elizabeth Beaumont [1753-1811/14] and had six
children. Though a pacifist Quaker, Jonas feared being called a coward and
so fought as an officer in the Revolution. "My 'going to war,' as it was
termed, prejudiced the whole Society of Friends against me." In 1789 he
moved to Wyalusing Creek in Bradford County PA, where at "Inghamtown" he ran
several businesses as engineer and inventor, engaged in public speaking, and
served in the state legislature. Moving to Bloomfield NJ, Jonas wrote his
memoirs and died Oct. 28, 1820)
* Mary Ingham (born 1748; in 1770 became the second wife of
Joseph Jenks [1743-1820]; no children)
Elizabeth Waterhouse's sister
Mary Ingham (born Oct. 28, 1723) married Deborah Bye's brother Hezekiah
Bye [Sr.] (1717-1790) "in an impressive Quaker ceremony at the Buckingham
Meeting House in 1743" [Carmack 8]. They had eight children:
* Rachael/Rachel Bye (born Aug. 31, 1743; in 1764 married Zachariah/Zachriah Betts
and had a son, Jesse Betts who married Hannah Paxson [1777-1852];
Rachael/Rachel died 1766)
* John Bye (born July 23, 1745; died young?)
* Jonas Bye (born Mar. 28, 1748; died c.1787)
* Jemima Bye aka Germima Bye (born June 16, 1751; in 1773 married her
cousin John Bye)
* Hezekiah Bye [Jr.] (born Mar. 27, 1754; married Sarah Pettit
[1758-1838] and had ten children;
moved to Ohio where Hezekiah died Jun 20, 1827)
* Enoch Bye (born Sep. 27, 1757; "was perhaps the most colorful member of
the family. When the American Revolution began, he had no qualms about
taking up arms in spite of Quaker disapproval. When the War ended, he
engaged in an unsanctioned marriage" with Abigail Kinsey (1760-1824) "and was
condemned and expelled from the Society of Friends" [Carmack 33-34]; settled in
Cecil County MD, where he and Abigail had seven children; died Jan. 12, 1837)
* Jonathan Bye [Sr.] (born Jan. 22, 1761; in 1784 married Mary Kinsey and had
five children; heir to his father's real estate, selling most of it;
moved to Belmont County OH where he died 1845)
* Samuel Bye (born Jan. 29, 1764; in 1790 married
Elizabeth Reading and had five children; he too moved to Ohio and
died 1850)
Samuel Delucenna Ingham, eldest surviving son of Dr. Jonathan Ingham (his middle name a tribute to a language teacher), was born Sep. 16, 1799 in Great Spring. Having to quit school at age fourteen "due to the embarrassed state of the family finances," he was apprenticed to a papermaker; later managing a paper mill in Bloomfield NJ, where he married Rebecca Dodd in 1800; they had five children. Building his own paper mill on his mother's farm near New Hope PA, Samuel served in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives (1806-08), the U.S. House of Representatives (1813-18), and as Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1819-20). After his first wife's death in 1819, Samuel married Deborah Hall in 1822 and had three more children; he was re-elected to Congress the same year, serving till 1829. Andrew Jackson appointed him Secretary of the Treasury, a post Samuel held 1829-31; along with most of Jackson's Cabinet, he resigned after the "Petticoat Affair." (Peggy O'Neale Timberlake married Secretary of War John Eaton shortly after her first husband died; rumors that they'd had an adulterous affair caused a scandal, with Vice President John Calhoun's wife Floride leading D.C. society in snubbing Peggy, which infuriated President Jackson and led to the Cabinet purge.) Samuel Ingham returned to the paper business, also dealing in the development of coalfields, canals, and railroads. In 1849 he sold his Great Spring property and moved to Trenton, where he died June 5, 1860 and was buried in the Solebury Presbyterian Churchyard. According to John Lequear: "My mother use[d] to visit him in Trenton, where he was an invalid confined to his bed for some years. She use[d] to tell me how he kept abreast of the times in the news of the day. He had a line stretched over his bed on which were hung the daily papers, which by the assistance of his cane, he took down, read and exchanged" [Carmack 17-19, which includes a portrait].
William Fisher Packer, son of Hezekiah Bye [Jr.]'s firstborn Charity Bye (1780-1839) and James Packer (1773-1814) of Chester County PA, was born Apr. 2, 1807; "his ancestry was primarily Quakers from Philadelphia," says Wikipedia. After working as an apprentice and journeyman printer, he published the Lycoming Gazette 1827-36 and then The Keystone, a Democratic newspaper in Harrisburg PA. William served in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives (including a stint as Speaker) 1847-49 and then the state Senate, as well as President of the Susquehanna Railroad. In 1856 William campaigned for his friend James Buchanan's nomination and election as President. William was himself elected Governor of Pennsylvania in 1857, serving till 1861; he supported the state's new public education system and opposed secession as "only another form of nullification. Either when attempted to be carried out by force, is rebellion, and should be treated as such." He married Mary Wycoff Vanderbelt (1812-1894) and had two children. William F. Packer died Sep. 27, 1870 and was buried in Williamsport Cemetery, Lycoming County PA.
● Joshua and Elizabeth's Children
Joshua and Elizabeth Ingham Waterhouse had fifteen children. Those whom ~g confirm are buried in Rosemont Cemetery are indicated by [R]:
* Jonas Waterhouse [first of two]: born 1738, died 1740
* Ambrose Waterhouse: born Sep. 2, 1739 in Bucks County PA; a farmer, remaining in Kingwood; in 1763 married Margaret Green (1744-1768 [R], daughter of Richard Green [1717-1794] and Elizabeth Woolverton [1725-1807]) and had son Joshua [II]; after Margaret's death, Ambrose married Elizabeth [surname?] (1755-1806) [R] in 1777 and had four more children; he died Aug. 8, 1808 in Kingwood, Hunterdon NJ [R]; his will (as per ~mccarthy-anderson) is dated Mar. 21, 1806:
Waterhouse, Ambrose, of Kingwood Twsp., Hunterdon Co; will of. Wife, Elizabeth, choice of furniture, room in house with other privileges, a negro girl and $40 yearly, while my widow. Eldest son, Joshua, $200. Son, Jonas, farm whereon I now live (140 acres), black boy, Tom, 8 day clock, riding chair and 2 horses, wagons and grain on farm. Grandson, Ambrose Waterhouse, $54, silver buttons and plate. Other 3 grandsons, Samuel R. Waterhouse, Charles H. Waterhouse and Robert Taylor, each $27. Daughters, Permelia Waterhouse and Elizabeth Waterhouse, each $200 to make them equal with their elder sister, Mary Taylor. Lands in Sussex Co. to be sold and proceeds divided between my 3 said daughters. Residue of personal estate to be sold and proceeds divided between my 2nd son, Jonas, and 3 said daughters, Mary Taylor, Permelia Waterhouse and Elizabeth Waterhouse. Executors—son, Jonas, and brother, Hezekiah Waterhouse. Witnesses—Isaac Crisman, Jonas Crisman, Gershon Bartow. Proved Aug. 22, 1808.
As noted in his will, Ambrose was a slaveowner; the road to his property ran "through the old slave burial grounds. In making this road, some of their bones were dug up" [Carmack 36].
Ambrose's five children by Margaret and Elizabeth were:
* Joshua Waterhouse [II] (born 1764; worked as a carriage maker and/or wheelwright; in 1785 married Mary Pritty; "owing to some dissatisfaction in regard to his marriage, he never afterward had much intercourse with his father's family" as was reflected in Ambrose's will, possibly influenced by stepmother Elizabeth [Carmack 36-37]; had five children, one of whom—"possibly the most adventurous" [Carmack 38], Charles Green Waterhouse [1798-1871]—married Jane Eick/Eycke [1807-1861], niece of Sophia Eycke who married Joshua II's uncle Hezekiah Waterhouse, and had five children; Joshua II died 1811)
* Jonas Waterhouse (born 1778: in 1797 married Anna Runk [1782-1864] and had eight children; "He had quite a taste for the horses... He removed to Binghamton, N.Y. where he engaged in distilling, but a curse was upon his business; one misfortune after another befell him, until he failed in business, and after a few years he died" [Carmack 42]—in 1845)
* Mary Waterhouse (born 1782: married dry goods storekeeper Thomas Taylor, had seven children, and lived in Quakertown NJ; later moved to Philadelphia and then St. Louis MO; died 1849)
* Permelia Waterhouse aka Parmelia Waterhouse (born 1786: in 1816 married Timothy Bake; had no children)
* Elizabeth Waterhouse (born 1791; married Samuel[?] Peterson [born 1790], moved to Binghamton NY and had five[?] children; as a widow, may have lived with her brother Jonas's family)
* Jonas Waterhouse [second of two]: born Apr. 25, 1741 in Bucks County PA; lived with his parents and died unmarried in Kingwood [R] on either Oct. 1, 1772 [JWD 1,579] or Mar. 20, 1773 (as per ~mccarthy-anderson and ~g); in either case, died before the final division of his father's property [Carmack 48]
* Elizabeth Waterhouse: born Dec. 9, 1742 in Bucks County PA; married Samuel Green (1741/42-1804, a Hunterdon County farmer and older brother of Elizabeth's brother Ambrose's first wife); died 1806 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County NJ; uncertain if Elizabeth was buried in Rosemont. Her four children by Samuel were:
* Elizabeth Green (born 1765; married John Hoagland; had three children; died 1835)
* Richard Green (born c.1770: married Mary "Polly" Wood; died 1845)
* Mercy Green (born c.1774)
* Sarah Green (born 1776; married Charles Sergeant [1760-1833]; had five children; died 1835)
* Henry Waterhouse: born Jan 25, 1744/45 in Bucks County PA; circa 1763 his father Joshua built him a fine home on a 247-acre tract near Kingwood NJ [photo and floor map on Carmack 49]; in 1766 married Elizabeth Green [1747-1806?, younger sister of Elizabeth Waterhouse's husband Samuel and Ambrose Waterhouse's first wife Margaret]; "Henry was eccentric and his relations with his children were evidently poor, they had all left home before his death" [Carmack 48] on Oct 8, 1808 [R]. His will (as per ~mccarthy-anderson) is dated Sep. 15, 1806:
Waterhouse, Henry, of Kingwood Twsp., Hunterdon Co; will of. Real and personal estate to be sold. Eldest son, John, $60 and a mullatto lad name Bob. Youngest son, Richard, $300. Negro slaves, Frank and Joseph, to be manumitted and set free when 39 years old. Residue to be divided between my 2 sons, John and Richard, and my 2 daughters, Margaret (wife of Abraham Stryker) and Elizabeth (wife of Hart Johnson). Executors—son, John Waterhouse and son-in-law, Hart Johnson. Witnesses—James Warford, Ingham Waterhouse, Jonas Waterhouse. Proved Nov. 19, 1808.
Henry's five children by Elizabeth were:
* Dr. Charles Waterhouse (born 1767; was taught medicine at Princeton by his cousin Dr. Jonathan Ingham; "was a physician of high attainments... highly esteemed for his professional skills and amiable virtues" [Carmack 51]; lived in Loudon and Fanquier Counties VA; died unmarried in 1793)
* John Waterhouse (born 1772; was a merchant in Philadelphia till 1807, when "he retired to the Country and the peaceful pursuits of rural life... He was distinguished for his uprightness of of character, his gentlemanly and courteous bearing, his benevolence and great usefulness as a citizen... [but] had the reputation of being somewhat eccentric (a familiar trait in this family) and would go prowling through the fields of other property owners in Hunterdon, collecting stones... [with] which he built a very fine stone home near Rosemont" [Carmack 51-52, including a photo of the stone house]; died unmarried in 1851 [R]; in his will "expressed great concern for the well-being and treatment of his mulatto servant, Robert, who, he said, was 54 and may become infirm"; but of the descendants of his late brother R.G., John said they "received—I believe—one hundred thousand dollars from his estate, and unless my means were much more ample than they are, I do not deem it my duty to increase their wealth" [Carmack 52])
* Richard Green (R.G.) Waterhouse (born 1775: "I was early discovered to possess a large share of indolence and ill-nature... Having little veneration for either labor or literature, I made but small progress in either. Though I acquired the art of crying and hoeing corn in concert, to great perfection, and ere I arrived at the age of fourteen, was whipped through the spelling book and Testament several times, and could write intelligibly"; left his parental home at 4 a.m. on Sep. 29, 1795: "I bid a silent adieu to all behind, and launched out into the World, a 'Pedestrian Traveller'"; worked as a farmer, trader, distiller, schoolteacher, ferry operator, and Tennessee pioneer; in 1805 married Mary "Polly" Tipton (1784-1842), who "proved to be a match for R.G. Waterhouse in many ways, but her alleged indiscretions while he was away led to separation, because he apparently applied higher moral standards to her conduct than to his own. When or whether they were divorced is not known by the compiler, but it must be assumed that there was one, for some years later they both remarried," R.G. in 1816 to Elizabeth "Betsey" Hackett (1791-1864); by his two wives, had twelve heavily-documented children; R.G. established himself as a land surveyor and speculator in newly-organized Rhea County TN; "was unusually astute in financial matters, had dynamic energy and strong persuasive powers"; served in the War of 1812, fighting Indians in Florida; died 1827 and was buried in Brady Community Graveyard, Spring City, Rhea County TN [as per ~g]). When wife Betsey, "a religious woman with a concern for his soul," asked the dying R.G. for his last request, he replied "Bury me in a poplar casket so I can go a 'poppin' and a 'crackin' through Hell" [Carmack 58-64, including a portrait] "At one time [he] is said to have owned over 100,000 acres of land. His education was exceptional for his day and his information on all historical subjects was most extensive. His diary containing a daily record of events from 1 Jan. 1804 to 1 Jan. 1814, is a literary curiosity and a real confessional, its pages revealing all foibles and transgressions as faithfully as it records the more favorable acts of his life" [JWD 1,581]); widow Elizabeth married Gen. William Cheek Smartt (1819-1863) whose son George Madison Smartt married R.G. Waterhouse's daughter Ann (see more below)
* Margaret Waterhouse (born 1779; in 1798 married Abraham I. Stryker [1772-1846], who engaged in the timber business in Wayne County PA—"Back Woods Country," according to Margaret's brother R.G. [Carmack 53]; had three children; died 1844)
* Elizabeth Waterhouse (born 1782; in 1799 married Hart Johnson [1779-1839], who became a judge of the Interior Court of Common Pleas; had five children; Elizabeth died 1842 and was buried in St. James Lutheran Cemetery, Greenwich Township, Warren Co NJ [as per ~g])
* John Waterhouse: born Nov. 9, 1746 in Bucks Co PA; died unmarried Aug. 20, 1772 in Kingwood; uncertain if he was buried in Rosemont
* Mary Waterhouse: born Nov. 18, 1748 in Hunterdon County NJ; in 1766 married Thomas Sherman (1744-1820) and had a son, Edward Sherman (1767-1804) who never married; died July 4, 1777 in Kingwood; ~mccarthy-anderson says she was buried in Rosemont, but this was not confirmed by ~g
* Alice Waterhouse: born Aug. 17, 1750 in Hunterdon County NJ; in 1768/69 married Ambrose Barcroft (1745-1817, a Hunterdon County farmer); died Apr. 27, 1771 [R]. ~g states Alice expired "in a house in Kingwood Twp by hanging herself," but Carmack clarifies that this was Ambrose's third wife (Francena Opdyke Hoagland [1757-1809], married c.1786, who bore him nine children yet requested she be buried beside her first husband, John Hoagland [1754-1784] in Baptist Town Church Yard). "Wives didn't seem to last very long with Ambrose Barcroft" [Carmack 45-46]; his second wife, between Alice and Francena, was Sarah Davis (c.1755-c.1782) [Carmack 25s]. Alice Waterhouse had one child by Ambrose:
* Jonathan Barcroft (born 1770; "a favorite of his grandparents, Joshua and Elizabeth Waterhouse, who left him special bequests" [Carmack 46]; was an early settler of Leesburg TN; worked as a wagonmaker; married Jane Ferguson (1774-1852) and had six children; "was successful in his business and had money when others had none" [Carmack 47]; died 1849; his widow and unmarried daughters "were the town bankers. Some say they were miserly" [Carmack 47])
* Hezekiah Waterhouse (about whom see below)
* Ingham Waterhouse [Sr]: born July 31, 1754 in Kingwood, Hunterdon NJ; in 1793/94 married Jane Dean (c.1765-1848 [R]); a Hunterdon Country farmer, he "was intelligent, industrious and stablem, and won the respect of the residents of the County, many of whom appointed him to administer their estates. He was also the co-executor of his father's estate and the sole executor of his mother's estate" [Carmack 118]; died Feb. 24, 1812 in Kingwood, Hunterdon NJ [R]; his will (as per ~mccarthy-anderson) is dated Feb. 2, 1812:
Waterhouse, Ingham, of Kingwood Twsp., Hunterdon Co; will of. Wife, Jane, $1,000, a bed and bedding, case of drawers, table, 6 chairs, all to be her choice and in lieu of dower. Real estate to be sold. Wife and children to have use of same until sold. Children to be educated out of estate. Children, William, John, Elias, and Henry each to have two shares, and Elizabeth, Sarah and Mary Waterhouse each one share. If there should be another child born it is to have its equal share. Children to choose guardians for themselves when of proper age. Executors—nephew, John Waterhouse, friend, Charles Tomlinson. Witnesses—Daniel Lake, Ambrose Bonham, John Lair. Proved Mar. 24, 1812.
According to Carmack, Jane Dean Waterhouse married Isaac Gray in 1817, though her Rosemont marker at ~g does not note this.
Ingham's eight children by Jane were:
* Dr. William Waterhouse (born 1794; married Elizabeth Thompson [1795-1866: portrait on Camrack 42s]; settled in Millerstown, Juniata County PA; had a daughter, Jane M.D. Waterhouse [1821-1867] who married Lucien Wilson [1818-1889] and had seven children; Dr. William died 1822 "from fever brought on by exposure in the arduous duties of his profession" [Carmack 118])
* Elizabeth Waterhouse (born 1795; married John Lequear [1789-1836]; had six children, including family historian John W. Lequear [1823-1905]; died 1863 [R])
* Sarah Waterhouse (born c.1799; was the second wife of her cousin Henry W. Johnson [1804-1883], son of uncle Henry Waterhouse's daughter Elizabeth, and had two daughters; died 1867)
* John Waterhouse (born 1801; namesake/protegé of his cousin John Waterhouse, son of uncle Henry; was a lifelong salesman in large mercantile businesses; died unmarried 1853)
* Elias B. Waterhouse (born 1804; a farmer; married Elizabeth M. Cair aka Canil [1808-1838] and had a son, Thomas Marshall Waterhouse [1828-1848]; after her death, Elias moved to Indiana where he married Mary L. Ward [1805-1867] in 1839 and had three more children; died 1860)
* Mary L. Waterhouse (born 1806; married Charles Arnwine [1804-1829] and was soon widowed; died between 1850 and 1860)
* Henry Waterhouse (born 1808; was a farmer and surveyor; died unmarried of tuberculosis in 1831 [R]; "although displeased by his mother's second marriage, he gave her $1000.00 per year for life" [Carmack 124])
* Ingham Waterhouse [Jr.] (born 1812; was a butcher in Lambertville NJ; married Frances S. "Fannie" Calvin [1818-1870] and had eight children, "five of whom were carried off by Consumption" [Carmack 125]; died 1875 [R])
* Sarah Waterhouse [first of three]: born 1756; died Nov. 27, 1757 [R]
* William Waterhouse: born June 3, 1758 in Kingwood, Hunterdon NJ; "was an active Quaker and prosperous merchant" [Carmack 125], "a merchant of high standing in Baltimore... [and a worthy member of the Society of Friends" [JWD 1,580]; in 1798 married the widow Ann Mitchell Butler [1773/75-1841], mother of Thomas Butler and John Butler; had a daughter, Mary Waterhouse (1800-1815); died Apr. 8, 1807; ~mccarthy-anderson says he was buried in Rosemont, but this was not confirmed by ~g
* Sarah Waterhouse [second of three]: born 1762/63; died May 2, 1764 [R]
* Mercy Waterhouse: born 1765; died 1768 [R]
* Sarah Waterhouse [third of three]: born and died 1768
It may come as a surprise and, to some, a shock, to learn that most residents of Hunterdon, at the time of the American Revolution, were Tories or at least sympathizers of the Crown. This, however, should not be so surprising since the unreasonable taxes that triggered the rebellion were levied principally on the merchants. The farmers of Hunterdon raised flax which they bartered or sold and produced most of their other needs, so the taxes the Crown levied had little effect upon them. They were landlords and had more to risk than anyone else in starting a revolution. Only the "Have nots" with little to risk appear to have furnished the nucleus for the Colonial Armies from Hunterdon. The situation apparently reached the state where a crack-down was ordered in Hunterdon and records indicate that several of the Waterhouses, including Henry and Ingham, were fined for their Tory sympathies or activities. [Carmack 15]
● Hezekiah and Sophia
Hezekiah Waterhouse, ninth child of Joshua Waterhouse and Elizabeth Ingham, was born Apr. 7, 1752 in Kingwood, Hunterdon NJ and
named for his uncle, Hezekiah Bye... As a young man, he went to school, worked on the farm equipment at his father's farm, and became a skilled wheelwright... [His father] had both slaves and indentured labor on his farm. It is thought that Hezekiah fell in love with the young daughter, Sophia Eycke, of an indentured German. Apparently, Joshua and his wife, Elizabeth, disapproved of this romance, but Hezekiah knew what he wanted, so he married her. Indications are that resentment was so strong that Hezekiah, after marriage, moved to Quakertown, some ten miles away, but in terms of travel in those days, was a great distance. Since Hezekiah was treated less generously in the Wills of Joshua and Elizabeth, it appears that their resentment was slow in subsiding... However, good relations were always maintained by Hezekiah with his brothers and sisters. [Carmack 113]
Sophia Eick/Eycke was the daughter of Tunis Eick [Sr.] [born c.1720; died Oct. 13, 1791] and Katherine [surname?: born c.1724; died June 16, 1811]. See Chapter P-1 for a description of how "the German emigrant trade developed a relatively attractive form of indentured servitude adapted to the needs of families," which brought Andrew Snyder from Switzerland to Intercourse PA. Both Tunis and Katherine died in Kingwood Township and were buried in St. Thomas Episcopal Church Cemetery, Pittstown NJ (as per ~g)
Some webgens show that Sophia was born in 1753; ~g calculates a birthdate of Dec. 3, 1758, deciphering her worn and faded Rosemont gravestone inscription as "In memory of Sophia wife of Hezekiah Waterhouse who departed this life November 27 1818 Aged 59 years 11 mos and 29 days." That being no more than two days short of her sixty full years, would her birthday not have been Nov. 28/29, 1758?—or 1753, if you believe the final "8" to in fact be a 3"?
Tunis's will is mentioned by Early Germans of New Jersey: Their Histories, Churches, and Genealogies:
EICH, TUNIS, whose will dated Kingwood, Hunterdon Co., 20 Nov., 1788, prob[ated] 4 Nov., 1791, (Trenton Lib. 32, fol. 332), names w. Catherine and ch.: John, Tunis, Margaret, Sophia, Lena and Catherine; the daughters not yet 18, nor sons 21; executors, son-in-law, Hezekiah Waterhouse and friend Sam. Slayton.±10
This would imply that Tunis's sons were born after 1767 and daughters after 1770, which doesn't jive with Sophia's birthyear (however you calculate it) nor those given by ~teneyck and ~godowns/eick for her siblings:
* John Eick (born 1744)
* Margaret Eick (born c.1748)
* Lenah Eick (born c.1752)
* Katherine Eick (born c.1754)
* Tunis Eick/Eycke [Jr.] (born Dec. 14, 1755; married Susannah Taylor [1762-1841]; had ten children, the youngest of whom—Jane Eick/Eycke [1807-1861]—married Charles Green Waterhouse, son of Hezekiah Waterhouse's nephew Joshua Waterhouse [II], and had five children; Tunis Jr. died May 28, 1830)
Quakertown is now in Hunterdon County's Franklin Township, created in 1845 from northeastern portions of Kingwood Township. Here "before 1800, Hezekiah Waterhouse built a wheelwright-shop, afterwards used as a store-house, on the south side of the road; it is now occupied as a dwelling, and is known as the 'old red house.'"±11 In Kingwood Township's 1830 census, Hezekiah—1 free white male aged 70-79—had a household consisting of 1 free white female aged 20-29 (a servant or granddaughter?); 1840's census of Black River Township shows the same setup, advanced by a decade: 1 free white male aged 80-89, 1 free white female aged 30-39.
Hezekiah Waterhouse died aged 91 on Oct. 8/9, 1843 in Quakertown, and was buried in Rosemont; ~g concedes his gravestone is wholly indecipherable. "He was a respected citizen in whom the public and his family had great confidence as shown by the many Estates he administered and inventories that he took during his long life" [Carmack 117]
He and Sophia had three children, a small family by the standards of the times. Eldest of the three was:
* Elizabeth Waterhouse: born circa Dec. 25, 1776 in Amwell (later Delaware) Township, Hunterdon County NJ; married Jeremiah Hoff [1771-1852]; died circa May 15, 1818 and buried in Rosemont; vitals uncertain due to another worn and faded gravestone (viewable at ~g); after Elizabeth's death, c.1820 Jeremiah married Keziah Hoagland [1781-1854, as per ~burrowes-lee]; he too was buried in Rosemont
There is a lack of consensus about the full roster of Elizabeth and Jeremiah's children. Carmack, JWD [1,591] and ~a's Family Tree webgens agree on the following eight:
* Theodosia Hoff aka Theodocia/Theodotia Hoff (born Aug. 31, 1796; married Benjamin Wright [1793-1858] on Apr. 6, 1811 and had four children; died Aug. 11, 1848; buried in the old section of Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Alexandria Township, Hunterdon NJ: as per ~bosse-flinn and ~bowen-noya)
* Eliza Hoff (b.1798; married Luther Carter in 1817 and had one child, Charlotte Carter, who married John Mires in 1843 [as per Carmack 243 and ~a's database of New Jersey Marriages]; died when?)
* Sophia Hoff (born 1802; listed as "insane" in 1850 census, living with sister Lydia; ditto in 1860, living with brother Jacob; died Apr. 9, 1865 and was buried in Rosemont: as per ~bowen-noya and ~g, where her gravestone confirms her parentage)
* Hezekiah Hoff (born 1804: a farmer, in 1850 married Nancy H. Fisher [born 1817] and then Cornelia J. Fisher [1826-1912], by whom he had four children; lived in Bushnell, McDonough County IL in 1860, but returned to New Jersey by 1870; died 1899 and was buried in Frenchtown Cemetery, Hunterdon NJ, where Cornelia joined him: as per ~burrowes-lee and ~g)
* Mary Hoff (born c.1805; married John Brown [born 1800]; had three children; died when?)
* Jacob Hoff (born 1806; married Sarah Hoffman (1812-1901) and had eight children; was a Tewkesbury Township merchant in 1850, a Delaware Township farmer in 1860, and a Lambertville flour dealer in 1870; died Oct. 3, 1874 and was buried in Rosemont, where both his gravestone and wife Sarah's call him "Rev. Jacob": as per ~g)
* Lydia Hoff (born c.1811; married William A. Aller and had four children; sisters Sophia and Susan were living with them in 1850; William "was a wealthy farmer but in the 1850's sold his lands and moved west" [Carmack 116]; living in Bushnell, McDonough County IL in 1860 [as per ~burrowes-lee]; died when?)
* Susan Hoff (born 1815; died unmarried Mar. 8, 1853 and was buried in Allerton Methodist Cemetery, Annandale NJ: as per ~burrowes-lee)Carmack [116], citing John Lequear, includes Catherine Hoff as another child (born 1806, died 1882) and states she married her second cousin once removed, John Rudebock [Jr.] [born 1813: son of Joshua Waterhouse II's daughter Margaret]. They had a daughter, Catherine Rudebock (born 1837) who in 1870 married Aaron G. Case (Carmack 163 and 243). However, this Catherine is missing from JWD and all the ~a Family Trees of Elizabeth and Jeremiah's children. One webgen, ~catherinehoff, reports that the Catherine Hoff who married John Rudebock [Jr.] on May 17, 1845 was in fact the daughter of Charles Hoff (1777-1860) and Elizabeth Pels (1783-1853); and ~g adds that a Catherine Huff Rudebock (born July 20, 1806; died June 15, 1882) was buried in Hunterdon County's Amwell Ridge Cemetery.
Instead of Catherine, ~a's Family Trees of Jeremiah and Elizabeth's children include an Anthony Hoff, who (as per ~burrowes-lee) was born c.1799, married Rachel Hyde (1800-1890) in 1818, and had four children: Thomas Hoff (born 1822: married Catharine Ann Philkill [born 1825] and had six children); Jonathan Hoff (born 1825: married Mahalia [surname? born 1822] and had three children); Eli Hoff (born 1833), and Jeremiah O. Hoff (born 1843: married Anna [surname? born 1847]). However, the webgen ~anthonyhoff reports that the Anthony Hoff (born July 28, 1797) who married Rachel Hyde (1795-1847) on Nov. 5, 1818 was the son of John Hoff (1770-1824) and Rachel W. Allen (1772-1847); and that this Anthony died in Richmond, Ontario County NY on Aug. 20, 1823.
Anthony is unmentioned by Carmack and JWD (page 1,591), both of which draw upon John W. Lequear's recollections; and the webgens that include Anthony offer no reason why he'd have been left out or forgotten. JWD alone lists a Julia Ann Hoff (without details) among Elizabeth and Jeremiah's family; but JWD agrees with ~a's Family Trees on a final child:
* Thomas Hoff (born c.1818?; died 1825 and was buried in Rosemont: as per ~g, which displays yet another worn and faded gravestone; and since Carmack tended to exclude children who didn't live to adulthood, that could account for why Thomas didn't appear there)
Hezekiah and Sophia's other two children were:
* Jonathan Waterhouse: born 1780; worked as a wheelwright; on Aug. 16, 1800 married Susannah Bray [1783-1836], "descendant of a Revolutionary War hero" [Carmack 113]; died without issue Feb. 28, 1815 (as per ~teneyck); buried in Lutheran Cemetery, Oldwick, Hunterdon County NJ (as per ~mccarthy-anderson)
* James Waterhouse (about whom see more below).
● Unfortunate James and Mysterious Mary
James Waterhouse, the youngest child of Hezekiah and Sophia, was born 1786/87 in New Jersey. He "prospered for awhile and once owned much real estate. John Lequear writes: 'James lived many years in Quakertown, was an industrious, energetic man, but met with one misfortune after another until his property was gone and he died in the neighborhood of New York" [Carmack 113]. His wife is the most obscure individual in the Waterhouse tree: her name was Mary Matlack (surname confirmed by Carmack 39s) and she died in 1842, with various webgens giving her unsourced birthyears ranging from 1790 to 1799. She bore James ten children, their household living in Kingwood Township in 1830 and Black River Township in 1840. James, "as early as 1824, kept the store at the 'Old Red House,' but by 1830, was keeping a Tavern at Sidney [NJ], and on 21 March 1832, was the Postmaster at Quakertown" [Carmack 113; the latter appointment verified by ~a's log of Postmaster Appointments].
Thanks to Google Books, the present author stumbled across a remarkable discourse on James's home life in the 1830s. This was tucked into an article on the "Origin of the Delaware Grape" by Samuel Stevenson, included in the "Report of the Pennsylvania Fruit Growers' Society" in Agriculture of Pennsylvania, Volume 3, State Board of Agriculture, 1880, pp 40-41:
In the after part of the year 1832, my father purchased a valuable farm in the above mentioned neighborhood at Quakertown, Kingwood township... The writer, then a small boy, remembers very well a fine large vine of this grape at the west end of the farm-house, and in the following autumn, its fruit, with the greatest abundance of other choice fruits, as Green and Yellow Gage plums, Seckel and Virgalius pears, Queen, Smith's Cider, and Yellow Bellflower and Newtown Pippin apples, gave evidence of the thrift and good taste of the amateur farmer and fruit gardener who preceded my father in the occupancy of this farm. This gentleman, Mr. James Waterhouse, was an amateur, and a mean of means, culture, and leisure, and a particular friend of one who, while his home was in Kingwood township, was much of his time abroad, and who filled, for several years, the position of American Minister at Tunis—the Hon. Charles Coxe.
From Mr. Coxe, while abroad, Mr. Waterhouse seems to have been in the habit of receiving, at various times, beautiful, rare, and valuable foreign presents, amongst which I very well remember, as being left upon the farm when my father became its occupant, a fine male specimen of the Broad Tailed or Five Quartered African sheep, the same upon which Messrs. Stanley and Livingstone feasted themselves upon at the memorable first meeting at Ujiji, in the heart of the dark continent. My older brothers were fond of plaguing this animal in his well secured enclosure, to witness his ferocious bunting of the fence panels.
Mr. Coxe sent, also, a pair of Arabian horses, some foreign cattle, vases, statuary, and many other objects of interest and value from abroad, which he seems to have distributed liberally among his many friends in New Jersey. That the grape, in question, was among his presents, and that this large vine at my father's door was the first importation. That it was the companion de voyage of the five quartered African ram, the Arabian horses, and other productions of the Barbary states, I have fully believed from my boyhood.
~cdcoxe enlightens us regarding James's generous friend. Charles D. Coxe was the son of Charles and Rebecca Wells Coxe of Sidney NJ. Seventy-eight Philadelphians signed an 1801 petition, asking President Thomas Jefferson to appoint Charles as the American consul in Dunkirk or Île de France. On Aug. 10, 1801 Thomas McKean (vividly depicted in the musical 1776) forwarded to Jefferson a letter from Charles; noting that "a great number of other respectable citizen-merchants have recommended him to your Excellency, and I can add my opinion in his favor." Jefferson appointed Charles the U.S. Commercial Agent at Dunkirk; in 1806 he became Chargé d’Affaires in Tunis, advancing to Consul there in 1824 before being transferred to Tripoli, where he died in 1830.
By 1850, James Waterhouse's exposure to exotica was limited to Brooklyn NY. "He lived at 113 Vine Street with the family of his son-in-law, Miron Hill, who shared a Coffee Stall with him in the Fulton Market in New York City" [Carmack 114]. The 1850 census show James, aged 63, occupation left blank, along with four unmarried daughters and one unmarried son, living in a household headed by "Marrion" [Miron] Hill, husband of James's daughter Sidney.
Back home in New Jersey, the July 10, 1850 Hunterdon Democrat reported: "Died: On the 28th ult., in Brooklyn, L.I. [sic], Mr. James Waterhouse, formerly of Quakertown, this County. His remains were brought to the latter place and interred in the Friends Church Yard." (The following week's edition on July 17th would report the death of President Zachary Taylor; both issues as per ~hunterdon-democrat).
Of James, JWD said only "He had 8 or 9 children, all deceased. He died in New York City. His only son died in Trenton, N.J., leaving six children" [JWD 1,591]. Carmack remarked that "Although earlier writings claim that James Waterhouse had but one son, there were actually three" [Carmack 114]. The full roster of James and Mary's ten children:
* George Washington Waterhouse: born Jan. 4, 1815; on Jan. 16, 1836 married Elizabeth Ten Broeck [born Oct. 24, 1816: daughter of Peter Ten Broeck and Catharine Emmons]; continued storekeeping at the "Old Red House" till c.1844-45, when he and Benjamin Shackleton built the "Corner store" [Carmack 113-14] that still exists today:
I think that the most historical place in Franklin Township is the Quakertown Store. It is located in the center of Quakertown, at the corner of Quakertown Road and Croton Road. This corner store was built in 1845 by G.W. Waterhouse and Benjamin Shackelton. It has been owned by a number of families, between then and now. It has served as a General Store, a Post Office, an Auctioneer’s Office, and an Antique Store. During the 1930’s, migrant workers from area farms, rented rooms upstairs. Quakertown Store is presently owned by Dorothy and Lloyd Wismer. They have owned it for the past 21 years. The Wismers both live in the building, and operate a Consignment/Antique Shop in the storefront. I feel that the Quakertown Store is the most historical place in Franklin Township because it served as a "meeting place" for the community. Besides needing a place to purchase supplies and receive mail, people need a place to gather. A place to exchange news and discuss current events. Somewhere to go and play a game of checkers and catch-up on the latest happenings with your friends and neighbors. I am sure that a lot of important information was passed along, on those steps of the Quakertown Store.
As per ~quakertown-store, which includes a 2002 photo. One from the 1910s can be seen on page 13 of Franklin Township, Hunterdon County, by Dan Campanelli, Marty Campanelli, and Lora Jones; Arcadia Publishing, 2010. This book agrees that "the corner store in Quakertown was built by G.W. Waterhouse at the intersection of Croton Road, helping to anchor the side street to the village. It offered general merchandise... [and] regardless of the owner, the porch was always a popular gathering place for catching up on local news." Page 97 of the same volume has a picture of the Quakertown United Methodist Church, which in 1879 replaced the one "built in 1840 on land donated by George W. Waterhouse... Situated on a high plateau in the village, as the tallest edifice, the church can be seen for miles around. This makes it prone to lightning strikes."
In 1850 G.W. Waterhouse was a merchant with $2500 of Franklin Township real estate. He and his wife "both were active in the Methodist Church. They were among nine people composing the first class of this church when it met in the woods, and later, in 1838, in the Schoolhouse. He donated the lot for the church in 1842, and in 1856, sold his home to the church for a parsonage for $1,000.00" [Carmack 113]. "Methodism was introduced into Quakertown by Daniel Green and his wife, who came about 1836 and opened their doors to preaching by itinerants... Nine persons composed the first class," including "G.W. Waterhouse and wife."±12 "By 1854, Geo. Washington was in the hosiery business in Trenton under the name of Saxony Mill" [Carmack 114]. The 1860 census lists him as a "woolen jacket manufacturer" in Trenton Ward 3, with $12,000 in real estate and $3,000 in personal estate. He died Sep. 17, 1861 of tuberculosis; wife Elizabeth died Apr. 10th in either 1899 (as per ~a's database of New Jersey Deaths & Burials) or 1900 (as per Carmack 39s and her ~g marker in Trenton's Mercer Cemetery; Carmack 39s states G.W. was also buried there, but this is not confirmed by~g).
George W. and Elizabeth had nine children:
* Mary Waterhouse (born c.1836; died young?)
* Samuel R. Waterhouse (born 1838; married Harriet S. Phillips, daughter of a Trenton physician, in 1858 and had three children; worked as a cloth finisher, like his ancestors Jonas Ingham and Joshua Waterhouse; died of tuberculosis in 1871, and was buried in Trenton's Mercer Cemetery—as per Carmack; not confirmed by ~g)
* Catherine F. Waterhouse (born 1841; married Jacob Whiteman [1837-1904] in 1864; had eight children)
* Sarah Ten Broeck Waterhouse (born 1843; married George Fleming in 1863; died 1866)
* Jennie L. Waterhouse (born 1846 [aka Jane Ten Broeck Waterhouse born c.1845?]; married James C. Moore in 1864; died 1868)
* Anna Maria B. Waterhouse (born 1848; married James Van Horn of Nashua NH in 1866; died 1873)
* Peter Ten Broeck Waterhouse (born c.1851; died May 27, 1857 [as per ~a's New Jersey Deaths & Burials])
* Sidney Waterhouse (a daughter: born Oct. 4, 1853; died Feb. 6, 1864 [as per ~a's New Jersey Births & Christenings and New Jersey Deaths & Burials])
* Minerva T. Waterhouse (born Dec. 24,1857; died 1937 [as per ~a's New Jersey Births & Christenings]; buried in Trenton's Mercer Cemetery [as per ~g])
* Elizabeth Waterhouse: born May 7, 1818; married on July 16, 1836 married John P. Ten Broeck [born Aug. 1, 1813, older brother of George Washington Waterhouse's wife Elizabeth]; died Mar. 23, 1838, with husband John following on July 2, 1846: as per the Ten Broeck Genealogy at ~a). Elizabeth and John had one child, Patience G. Ten Broeck (born 1838), who was raised by relatives and brought to Ogle County IL, where in 1858 she married Albert G. Hoadley (born 1836); they were among the first settlers of Grove Township, Adair County IA in 1865; had ten children, "all of whom reached maturity" (Carmack 40s, which includes photos of Patience and Albert)
* Caroline Matilda Waterhouse: born 1820; accompanied her brother Hezekiah [II] to Lafayette County MO and died there Aug. 10, 1843
* Hezekiah Waterhouse [II] (about whom see more below)
* Mary Waterhouse: born c.1826; lived with
father in Brooklyn, 1850; died when?
* Sophia Waterhouse: born c.1827; lived with father in Brooklyn, 1850;
died when?
* Sidney J. Waterhouse (a daughter): born c.1831; married Miron L. Hill [born c.1827] on Oct. 27, 1847 at the 42nd St. Presbyterian Church in New York NY [as per ~f]; was the mother of Miron Hill [Jr.], born 1848, and Henry Hill, aged nine months in 1850; her Brooklyn household included four sisters, one brother, and her widowed father in 1850; "Died: October 14th [1859] in the city of Brooklyn, in the 30th year of her age, Sidney J., wife of Miron L. Hill" [reported in the Nov. 9, 1859 Hunterdon Democrat, as per ~hunterdon-democrat]; in 1860 husband Miron was living with his mother Abigail Hill and sister Freelove Hill in Kortright Township, Delaware County NY—no sign of sons Miron or Henry; in the 1865 Brooklyn City Directory, Miron is listed in the "provisions business; in 1870 he "keeps coffee house" in Brooklyn with wife Lucy Hill [born c.1842] and children Edward Hill [born c.1862] and Inez Hill [born c.1866]; in 1880, "Myron L. Hill" has a Brooklyn restaurant with wife Lucy and son "Eddie"—no sign of Inez
* Emily Waterhouse: born c.1833; lived with father in Brooklyn, 1850; died 1857
* Julia Waterhouse: born c.1834; lived with father in Brooklyn, 1850; married Dr. A.E. Peck; died Oct. 26, 1859—as reported in the same Nov. 9, 1859 Hunterdon Democrat that announced her sister Sidney's death earlier that same month: "daughters of James Waterhouse, formerly of this county" (as per ~hunterdon-democrat)
* William Waterhouse: born c.1834, lived with father in Brooklyn, 1850, and like brother-in-law Miron worked as a "marketman"; died 1857
Except for Hezekiah [II], all the children of Unfortunate James and Mysterious Mary appear to have died by 1861.
● Hezekiah "Junior" and Mayview, Missouri
Hezekiah Waterhouse [II], fourth child of
James and Mary, was born Sep. 4, 1823 in New Jersey. Whether it was wanderlust that
impelled him to go west as a young man, or a wish to put distance between
himself and his father's Broad Tailed or Five Quartered African sheep, has not
been recorded. Carmack simply says he "went to Missouri with his sister,
Caroline Matilda, and she died in LaFayette Co., Mo., on 10 Aug. 1843. At
Mayview, Mo., Hezekiah II married and raised a family" [Carmack 114].
Lafayette County is in western Missouri, just east of Jackson County and nowadays part of the Kansas City MO metropolitan area. Named after the Marquis de La Fayette, who was visiting the United States in 1825, it "was settled primarily from migrants from the Upper Southern states of Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. They brought slaves and slaveholding traditions and started cultivating crops similar to those in Middle Tennessee and Kentucky: hemp and tobacco. As a result, this part of Missouri, and neighboring counties, became known as Little Dixie. In 1860 slaves made up 25 percent or more of the county's population, and the county was strongly pro-Confederate during the American Civil War" (as per Wikipedia).
Hezekiah's first Missouri land grant, dated July 1, 1845, can be viewed in ~a's database of U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907. The underlined segments are handwritten on the original document:
To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting:
WHEREAS Hezekiah Waterhouse [squeezed in: Junior] of Lafayette
county Missouri
has deposited in the GENERAL LAND OFFICE of the United States, a
Certificate of the REGISTER OF THE LAND OFFICE at Lexington whereby it
appears that full payment has been made by the said Hezekiah Waterhouse
according to the provision of the Act of Congress of the 24th of April, 1820,
entitled "An Act making further provision for the sale of the Public Land" for
the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section twenty six in Township
forty nine of Range twenty seven in the District of lands subject to sale at
Lexington Missouri containing forty acres
according to the official plat of the survey of the said Lands, returned to
the General Land Office by the SURVEYOR GENERAL, which said tract has
been purchased by the said Hezekiah Waterhouse Junior
NOW KNOW YE, that the United States of America, in consideration of the
Premises, and in conformity with the several acts of Congress, in such case made
and provided, HAVE GIVEN AND GRANTED, and by these presents DO GIVE AND GRANT,
unto the said
Hezekiah Waterhouse Junior
and to his heirs, the said tract above described: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD
the same, together with all the rights, privileges, immunities, and
appurtenances of whatsoever nature, thereunto belonging, unto the said
Hezekiah Waterhouse Junior
and to his heirs and assigns forever.
In Testimony Whereof, I, James K. Polk, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA, have caused these Letters to be made PATENT, and the SEAL if the
GENERAL LAND OFFICE to be hereunto affixed.
GIVEN under my hand, at the CITY OF WASHINGTON, the first day of
July, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-five,
and of the INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES the Sixty ninth.
by J. Knox Walker, Sec'y
S.K. Laughlin, RECORDER of the General Land Office.
The designation "Hezekiah Waterhouse Junior" here indicates "the Younger," to differentiate him from his recently-deceased grandfather, rather than the modern "son of a namesake father" sense. An additional deed in the U.S. General Land Office Records is dated Feb. 1, 1851, for "Hezekiah Waterhouse of Lafayette county Missouri," covering another thirty-nine and three-hundredths of an acre; signed in President Millard Fillmore's name by Secretary Alex McCormick.
According to an old clipping cited by granddaughter-in-law Lucille "Peggy" Rutledge of Alvarado TX, Hezekiah "was a very handsome young Englishman [sic] that came from New Jersey to Lexington, Mo., and married Lucinda Houx, daughter of a very prosperous German settler... [Hezekiah] was a farmer and had land in Lexington adjoining his father-in-law's land... His children were all well-educated and were school teachers and very religious, some followed the ministry" [Carmack 114]. ~a's log of Missouri Marriages to 1850 says "Hezekiel Waterhouse" married "Lucinda Howe" in Lafayette County on Dec. 22, 1846. ~drummond-sullivan and ~murphy-mcdaniel date the wedding to Dec. 21, 1847, and give Hezekiah the middle initial "T." Both name the bride as Lucinda Clifton Houx (born Sep. 16, 1829 in Lexington, daughter of George Houx [1797-1881] and his first wife Jane Tooley [1802-1833]. The Houx family history will be reviewed in Chapter S-8. (Wikipedia notes that "newcomers from Germany as well as German Americans from St. Louis began arriving [in Lafayette County] shortly before the [Civil War], with many more to come afterwards. They eventually made up a large part of the populations of Concordia, Emma, Wellington, Napoleon, Higginsville, Mayview, and Lexington. The German immigrants generally supported the Union during the war."
In the 1850 census, Hezekiah and Lucinda lived
with the Small family in Dwelling-house 1209, District 46,
Lafayette County MO:
* Washington Small, aged 36, farmer, $1495 in real
estate, born in Kentucky
* Ary S. Small, aged 30, born in Kentucky
* James Small, aged 76, born in Tennessee
* Elizabeth Small, aged 73, born in Tennessee
* James M. Small, aged 34, born in Kentucky
* Hezakiah [sic] Waterhouse, aged 27, $2610 in real
estate, born in New Jersey
* Lucinda Waterhouse, aged 20, born in Missouri
According to the 1850 Slave Schedule (which included columns for "Fugitive from the State," "Number manumitted," and "Deaf & dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic") Washington Small owned an unnamed 9-year-old male (black) while Hezekiah Waterhouse owned a similarly nameless 9-year-old male (mulatto).
1860 census: Lexington post office, Washington
Township, Lafayette County MO:
* H. Waterhouse (aged 34, occupation farmer,
$7200 in real estate, $10,000 in personal estate, born in New Jersey)
* Lucinda (aged 30, Missouri-born [as were all
her children])
* Mary (aged 9, attending school)
* James (aged 6, attending school)
* George (aged 4)
* Kate (aged 1)
1860 Slave Schedule:
H. Waterhouse of Lafayette County MO owned two unnamed
male slaves, aged 52 and 7, in one slave house; neither was "Deaf & dumb, blind,
insane, or idiotic."
1870 census: Concordia post office, Washington
Township, Lafayette County MO:
* Watterhouse [sic], Hezekiah (aged 46,
occupation farmer, $14,500 in real estate, $1400 in personal estate, born in New
* [ditto,] Lucinda (aged 41, occupation keeping
house, Missouri-born [as were all her children])
* [ditto,] James (aged 15, occupation "at home")
* [ditto,] George (aged 13, occupation "at home")
* [ditto,] Kate (aged 11, attending school)
* [ditto,] Oliver (aged 9, attending school)
* [ditto,] Emma (aged 7)
* [ditto,] Charles (aged 5)
* [ditto,] Ella (aged 2)
* Drummonds [sic], Newton (aged 21, occupation farmer,
born in Virginia)
* [ditto,] Mary (aged 18, occupation keeping
house, born in Missouri)
1880 census: Washington Township, Lafayette County
* Waterhouse, H. (aged 60, occupation farmer,
born in New Jersey as were his parents)
* [ditto,] Lucinda (aged 57, born in Missouri to
Kentuckian parents)
* [ditto,] Oliver (aged 18)
* [ditto,] Emma (aged 17)
* [ditto,] Chas. (aged 14, attending school)
* Thuracle [or Thurade?], Chas. (aged 21, race "B," occupation
"Works on Farm," cannot read or write, born in Missouri to Kentuckian parents)
After the Civil War, the Waterhouses gravitated toward the new village of Mayview MO. Among those who first laid it out in 1866 was Lucinda's brother Oliver Houx [1823-1910]. A contemporary description is provided by the History of Lafayette County, Mo.: Carefully Written and Compiled from the Most Authentic Official and Private Sources, Including a History of Its Townships, Cities, Towns, and Villages: Together with a Condensed History of Missouri, the Constitution of the United States, and State of Missouri, a Military Record of Its Volunteers in Either Army of the Great Civil War, General and Local Statistics, Miscellany, Reminiscences, Grave, Tragic and Humorous, Biographical Sketches of Prominent Men and Citizens Identified with the Interests of the County, St. Louis: Missouri Historical Company, 1881: pp 477-80:
MAYVIEW. This village has a commanding location, on Heth's Mound*... and was laid out in 1866, by John P. Herr, George Houx, Stephen G. Wentworth, and William Morrison. The name of "Mayview" was suggested to Mr. Herr, and subsequently adopted, by the excellent view which could be obtained from its cite [sic], of the surrounding country, which presented a beautiful appearance during the month of May. A postoffice [sic] was established in 1868, with Mr. John P. Herr postmaster, Mr. Herr built the first house, and also owned and operated the first store. Mr. George Houx built a dwelling house about the same time. The first school house was a frame building, built in 1866, at a cost of $600. The first school was taught by the Rev. William Gordon, and numbered fifty pupils, each of whom paid a tuition of $2.00 per month...
* Uncle George Houx related at the 'Old Men's Club' meeting, how Heth's Mound got its name. In 1812 the british [sic] brought to bear every influence they could, to have the Indians engage in hostilities against the Americans, and bands of the Osage and Kaw took the war path. Capt. Heth[,] an old settler of Cooper county, was out with a scouting party from Boonville, or old Franklin, and encountered a body of these hostile Indians a few miles west of this mound, but then fell back to it and there made a determined stand. A sharp and bloody battle then took place, and "the Injins got licked." This place was thereafter known as Heth's Mound. We have the above from Gen. Graham, and old intimate friend of Mr. Houx.In 1878, Messrs. Waterhouse and Ridings made an addition to the original town [of Mayview], on the west side. Mayview is a flourishing village of about 250 inhabitants, located on the Chicago & Alton railroad, and also on the main thoroughfare between Lexington and Warrensburg. The following is a partial list of the business houses: General merchandise, 3; grocery, 1; drugs, 1; blacksmiths, 2; physicians, 2; mill, 1; hardware, 1; grain dealer, 1; hotels, 2; justice of peace, 1; lumber yard, 1; drug and grocer, 1; livery, 2; furniture, 1.
The Mt. Hebron Cumberland Presbyterian Church predated the platting of Mayview. It was organized in July 1852, and original members included Hezekiah and Lucinda Waterhouse, Oliver Houx (plus other Houxes: Lucinda's father George, stepmother Eliza A., half-sister Mary A.) and Charles L. Ewing (after whom one of Hezekiah and Lucinda's sons was named). George Houx had superintended the plan to build the first church in 1851. By 1881 Hezekiah Waterhouse was a Ruling Elder, and "Jas. Waterhouse" a deacon.
The Mayview Lodge of the I.O.G.T. (International Organization of Good Templars) was organized in Nov. 1879; its charter members included "Jas. Waterhouse" and "F.S. [Fannie Sue] Waterhouse," who were among the lodge's first officers ("Mrs. Sue Waterhouse, V.W.C." and "Jas. Waterhouse, marshal"). History of Lafayette County remarked that "they own no hall, but use basement of Christian church. The lodge is reported in a working condition"; while the 1910 Young's History of Lafayette County Missouri added:
In 1879 an Independent Order of Good Templars lodge was instituted at Mayview. The Pucketts, Herrs, Waterhouses, Moores and many others took a prominent part in sustaining the temperance society, which bore well its part in those days when people had come to realize the greatness of the evil that is still being battled against by all who profess high morals and true Christianity. An addition was made to the original town plat in 1878 by Messrs. Waterhouse and Ridings. In 1880 the village had a population of about two hundred and fifty; today it has about three hundred and fifty. It is well located on the line of the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis railroad, which was put through the county early in the seventies.±13
● Hezekiah and Lucinda's Children
Hezekiah and Lucinda had ten children (according to Lucinda's entry in the 1900 census), one of whom must have died young and with name forgotten. The other nine were:
* Mary Ann Waterhouse: born Jan. 17, 1851 in Lexington, Lafayette County MO; on Oct. 5, 1869 married Newton Drummond (born Sep. 11, 1848 in Virginia; they lived with Mary Ann's parents in 1870, and in Washington Township ten years later, but can't be located anywhere in 1900; Mary Ann appears in the 1905 and 1909 Salem OR directories as "(wid Newton)," sharing an address with "Olive A. Drummond"—her youngest daughter? listed as a milliner in 1905, though aged only 14?; then in 1910 Mary Ann, again recorded as a widow, was a servant in the Portland OR home of Charles E. and Sara Sherman Hill; Mary Ann died aged 68 on Dec. 22, 1919 in Boulder County CO and was buried there in Green Mountain Cemetery: as per ~waterhouse_maryann and ~g. (Meanwhile, Newton Drummond remained alive till Oct. 16, 1916, expiring in Frisco, Denton County TX)
Mary Ann and Newton had six children, two of whom have near-identical names in both Carmack and ~waterhouse_maryann, yet can't be reconciled as a single person:
* Alvin Drummond (born Aug. 1, 1870 in Mayview MO; in 1895 married Bertha E. Maw [born 1869] and had three children; lived in Lafayette County MO [1900] and Boulder County CO [1910-30], working as a house carpenter and contractor; died Mar. 13, 1935; like mother, was buried in Green Mountain Cemetery, where wife Bertha joined them in 1964)
* James Newton Drummond (born Mar. 31, 1873 in Mayview MO; left school after eighth grade; in 1896 married Mary Katherine Heidbrink [1875-1959] and had two children, Effie Irene Drummond [1898-1979: married a Mr. Daggs and had two children] and Edward Drummond [born 1903]; James Newton was "single" in 1930 and "divorced" in 1940; lived in Lafayette County's Washington Township [1910-20] and Mayview MO [1930-40]; middle name definitely "Newton" on his World War I draft registration; worked as a farm laborer in 1910, school superintendent in 1930, and tree-cutter in 1940; died Apr. 11, 1949 in Mayview MO—but no certificate found at ~missouri_deaths)
* Edward/Edwin Drummond (born Nov. 12, 1875 in Mayview MO; died Mar. 18, 1881)
* Ella Lee Drummond (born June 27, 1878 in Mayview MO; lived with brother Alvin in 1900; in 1905 married Russell E. Palmer [1873-1959: a railroad agent and freight office clerk] and had two children; lived in Denver CO [1910-20] and died Jan. 8, 1974 in Colorado)
* Henry Clay Drummond [Sr.] (born July 23, 1884 in Mayview MO; left school after eighth grade; in 1900 a "Henry Drumonds," born Aug 1884 in MO, was boarding with the Belles family in Lafayette County MO; in 1917 married Isabella Beatrice Seward [1886-1967] and had four children; lived in Saline County MO [1920-40], working as a railroad brakeman and conductor; died Oct. 28, 1967)
* James Overton Drummond (born July 16, 1886 in Mayview MO; left school after eighth grade; lived in Luna County, NM in 1917, with middle name definitely "Overton" on his World War I draft registration; married Wilimina Helen Sassin [born 1887 in New Mexico] and had a son, Brant Dummond [1918-1974]; lived in San Antonio TX [1930-40], working as an electrician; died Dec. 25, 1965 in Hillsborough FL)
* Olive Elizabeth Drummond (born Oct. 6, 1891; apparently lived with mother in Salem OR, 1905 and 1909; c.1911 married George A. Morrison [lumber yard manager in 1920, planing mill manager in 1930] and had a daughter, Margaret Lee Morrison [born when?]; lived in Portland OR [1920-30]; died Feb. 26, 1984 in Los Angeles CA)
* James William Waterhouse (about whom see more below)
* George Washington Waterhouse: born July 19, 1856; in Nov. 1882 married Anna M. "Annie" Seaton (born Apr. 1860 in Tennessee); worked as a farmer; in 1900 lived in Lafayette County's Clay Township in 1900 with wife, son, and niece Ora S. Waterhouse; another child had died by 1900, and by 1910 a young foster daughter, Elsie Brauer had been added to the household; G.W. died aged 62 on Apr. 27, 1919 and was buried in Bates City Cemetery, Lafayette County MO; in 1920 his widow Annie and Elsie Brauer lived in Sni-a-Bar Township, Jackson County MO; by 1930 Anna and Elsie (here with surname Waterhouse) lived in Oak Grove, Jackson County WA with son Leonard; Annie Waterhouse died in 1932 and was buried with G.W. (as per ~drummond-sullivan)
George and Annie's two children were:
* George Leonard Waterhouse aka Leonard G. Waterhouse (born Nov. 16, 1895 in Tonkawa, Kay County OK; lived with his parents in Bates City MO in 1917 and worked as a farmer; on Aug. 12, 1919 [as per ~a's database of Missouri Marriage Records] he married high school teacher Eva B. De Atley [born Nov. 20, 1895]; in 1920 they lived in Lafayette County's Clay Township; in the 1930 census, Leonard alone—though with "married" status—was listed with mother and foster sister in Oak Grove MO; however, he and Eva had a son, Paul George Waterhouse [born 1935] and were listed together in KCMO's 1940 census; Leonard died Feb. 27, 1969 and Eva [aged 100] on June 21, 1996 in Lee's Summit MO; both were buried in Oak Grove Cemetery)
* foster daughter Elsie Brauer (born c.1901/02 in New York; was adopted—informally?—by 1910; married Vivian White [born c.1893] in Oak Grove MO on Sep. 10, 1949 [as per ~a's database of Missouri Marriage Records])
* Capatolia "Kate/Katie" Waterhouse: born Oct. 31, 1858 in Mayview MO; on Aug. 24, 1875 married farmer Charles Henry Iles [Sr.]—"Isle" in the 1920 census—[born Jan. 1848]); had two children, Violet M. Iles (born c.1879) and Charles Henry Iles [Jr.] (born May 17, 1880); lived in Lexington MO in 1880; died aged 22 on July 8, 1881; widower Charles married Elizabeth Rebecca [surname? born c.1863] and had seven more children (as per ~waterhouse_capatolia)
* Oliver Houx Waterhouse: born Dec. 9, 1861 in Mayview MO; named after Lucinda's brother; worked as a telegraph operator in Missouri; married Sarah A. "Sallie" McHatten aka Sally McHalton (1863-1895); "they settled in Okla[homa Territory] among the Indians where he farmed and hunted" (Carmack 42s: a photo of O.H. and Sallie is on 41s); in 1890 they appear in the Oklahoma Territory census with five Missouri-born children:
* Bessie B. [Belle?/Bill?] Waterhouse (born 1882; married John T. Mitchell on Mar. 3, 1898, with father O.H. giving consent to his minor daughter's marriage [as per ~a's log of Missouri Marriage Records]; Bessie and John had a daughter, Annetta Sallie Mitchell [born 1898: married Ed Allen and had four children]; died when?)
* Ethel Lucinda Waterhouse (born Dec. 1883; lived with father and stepmother in 1900; married farmer Fred Hand [1886-1952] and had three children; lived in Lathram Township, Caddo County OK in 1910; Beaver Township, Kay County OK in 1920; Carlsbad, Eddy County NM in 1930; and back to Kay County OK in 1940; Fred was buried in Newkirk Cemetery, Kay County OK; "Ethel Lule's" name is below his on the marker, with "1886" as birthyear but "19--" for deathyear; as per ~g)
* Harvey M. Waterhouse (born Mar. 1885; in 1900 boarded with Coleman and Ella Schooner in Odessa MO; died 1928 and was buried in Hayden Cemetery, Routt County CO; as per ~g)
* Ora Susan Waterhouse (born Dec. 1886; in 1900 lived with her uncle G.W. Waterhouse; in 1906 married house decorator and photographer Wesley Jay Mason [1867-1951] and had a son, Harvey Jack Mason [born 1921: married first Betty Mall, then Darlene Darnell, with a total of four children]; Ora lived in Wichita KS [1920-40]; was divorced by 1940 and doing "modeling & hand painting" for a WPA museum; in 1958 married Henry A. Harris [1885-1960]; died 1967 and was buried as "Ora Mason Harris" in Wichita's Old Mission Cemetery: as per ~ora_waterhouse)
* Clide Waterhouse (a daughter, born Aug. 1889; in 1900 she was a 10-year-old servant in the Freeman Township home of Moses and Susan Welborn; died 1907)"While riding in the Orchard, Sarah fell out under the wheels of the wagon and was killed, leaving five small children who were raised by relatives" (Carmack 42s) Circa 1897 O.H. married Isa Mabel Sprague (1880-1954) in Fort Scott KS; in 1900 Isa and "Ollie K." lived with his daughter Ethel and boarder Bert Krager in Bent County CO; in 1910 O.H., Isa, and their two daughters lived in Routt County CO, where Oliver worked as a farm stockman; in 1912 he managed the White Bear Land and Cattle Co. in Lily CO (as per Sprague Families in America, an Interactive book viewable at ~a); "finally settled in Hayden [Routt County] Colo., where he was a rancher, and his wife worked in the bank" (Carmack 42s) Oliver died aged 56 on Oct. 5, 1918; Isa then married George Wendell Smith Sr. of Hayden (as per ~drummond-sullivan). Oliver and Isa's children were:
* Eva Kathleen "Kay" Waterhouse (born Jan. 11, 1905 in Oklahoma; married attorney Raymond W. DeKraay [1903-64] and had a daughter, Ginger Rae DeKraay [1932-2004: married first William James Donagh, then Tom Fisher and had two children]; Kay lived in Seattle WA with daughter Ginger and two lodgers in 1940, while husband lodged in Aberdeen WA—both with marital status "M"; died Jan. 18, 1996 in either Federal Way WA [as per ~a's Washington Death Index] or Elma, Grays Harbor County WA [as per the Social Security Death Index])
* Virginia Loreen Waterhouse (born Mar. 20, 1910; lived with mother and stepfather in Hayden CO in 1930; married Dr. Robert William Gordon [Jr/.II] [1908-1965] and had three children; died 1971: as per Carmack and ~waterhouse_virginia)
* Emma Lee Waterhouse: born Nov. 16, 1863 in Mayview MO; in 1880 married railroad agent William Humphrey Fox (born Mar. 14, 1860 in Pike County MO) and had four children; lived in Cuivre Township, Audrain County MO (1900-10); Marshall Township, Saline County MO (1920-30), Kansas City MO at 1615 Benton Boulevard (1940) and 4328 Bellefontaine (1945); died aged 82 of bronchial pneumonia on Dec. 8, 1945 and was buried in Floral Hills Cemetery; William joined her there after his death on Nov. 3, 1955 (both as per ~missouri_deaths; not confirmed by ~g)
Emma and William's four children were:
* Effie May Fox (born 1882; married first C.B. Vardman in 1907, second Benjamin Eugene Moses in 1936, third Bert Meridith in 1946 [says Carmack, but "Mrs. Effie May Moses" was informant on her father's 1955 death certificate]; died 1966)
* Charles Royal Fox (born 1884; in 1908 married Etha M. Bennett [1887-1973] and had a son, Lyle Bennett Fox (born 1919); worked as a telegraph operator and auto salesman; lived in Vandalia MO [1910], Kansas City MO [1920], and Kansas City KS [1930-40]; died when?)
* Nannie Myra Fox (born Oct. 10, 1886; married jeweler William P. Hawley [born in either 1873 or 1883 in Canada; died 1948]; lived in Allen Park, Wayne County MI [1930-40]; died Sep. 1970 in Kansas City MO [as per ~a's Social Security Death Index])
* Ora Lee Fox (born 1892; lived with parents in Vandalia MO in 1910; in 1914 married furniture salesman and cabinetmaker Edward Finley Bettelheim [1878-1958] and had a daughter Frances L. Bettelheim [born 1915: married first Howard Babb, then Hansel Lee Long, then Kenneth L. Mauntz]; the Bettelheims lived at 3828 Indiana in Kansas City MO, 1930-58; husband William was buried at Floral Hills Cemetery in Kansas City MO; Ora died 1961)
* Charles Ewing Waterhouse Sr.: born May 13, 1866 in Mayview MO; on May 12, 1897 married Alice Derr (1875-1943) in El Paso TX; had son Charles Ewing Waterhouse Jr. (1905-2000, who married Lucille "Peggy" Rutledge [1908-1989] and had three children); in 1920 Charles Sr. managed a telegraph office; died in El Paso June 30, 1938 (as per ~waterhouse_charles, which includes a photo). Daughter-in-law Peggy told Carmack that Charles Sr.:
was not a well child and at an early age left home to come west for his health. He became a telegrapher and this enabled him to live in the west, mostly in desert places... He moved around wherever he was needed on the railroad. In 1897 he was in El Paso and married and had a wife to accompany him. He was a gentleman of the first water, but was a very faithful worker on his job—but not otherwise... He should have been a millionaire for all of his tastes. [Carmack 114]
Page 6 of Telephony Vol. 63, No. 1, 1912 (viewable at Google Books) adds:
Charles E. Waterhouse was born in Mayview, Mo., in 1866. He entered the service of the C. & A.R.R. as telegraph operator in 1881 and remained with that line until 1884. Since then he has been employed by several of the Western railroads as relay and copyist operator, and as train dispatcher. He went to El Paso in 1891 and has served since then with the Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio R.R., the Southern Pacific R.R. and wirth the El Paso Union Depot Co., by which he is now employed. Mr. Waterhouse has been a member of the Train Dispatchers' Association of America for twenty-one years.
* Ella Waterhouse: born Nov. 18, 1868 in Mayview MO; died Aug. 3, 1871 (as per ~drummond-sullivan)
* Milton Royal Waterhouse: born Aug. 26, 1871 in Mayview MO; died Aug. 6, 1872 (as per ~drummond-sullivan)
● Who Was Harvey Coons?
Hezekiah Waterhouse [II] died aged 71 on Oct. 17, 1894, and was buried in Mayview's Mt. Hebron Cemetery. Lucinda Houx Waterhouse died aged 73 on May 26, 1903 and joined her husband there; the markers can be viewed at ~g (if you search by "Mt. Hebron" instead of "Mount Hebron.")
In 1900 Lucinda had lived not in Mayview but Vandalia, Cuivre Township, Audrain Count MO. This is in the eastern part of Missouri, about thirty miles south of Hannibal, and over 150 miles away from Mayview. Yet there could be no doubt that "Waterhouse L.," a widow born Sep. 1829 in Missouri to a Kentuckian father, was the selfsame Lucinda. She was listed as having had ten children of whom five were living (actually six).
However, her relationship to "head of the family" in the 1900 census was "mother." The head of that particular Vandalia household was hardware dealer Harvey Coons (born Mar. 1852), living with wife Nannie S. Coons (born Mar. 1857), son Alpheus Coons (born May 1896), and boarder Rosa Culbertson (born May 1870, marital status single)—all of whom were listed before Lucinda.
~murphy-mcdaniel duly adds Harvey Coons to the roster of Hezekiah and Lucinda's children, fitting neatly between Mary Ann and James William, and in spite of Harvey's having been born in Canada to Canadian parents. When the present author first saw this, he had not yet obtained Carmack Waterhouse's monograph, and could not find a ready explanation for this conundrum. All the living children were accounted for in 1900 except one, Emma Lee; and all the present author knew about her initially was her birth and death dates, courtesy of ~drummond-sullivan. Assuming Harvey Coons wasn't the result of some mad north-of-the-border affair, could his wife Nannie or boarder Rosa Culbertson have been the tenth Waterhouse child indicated by the census? (To further muddle the mystery, a second Rosa Culbertson was living in Audrain County at this time: Rosa E. in Linn Township, born Dec. 1868.)
Fortunately Carmack provided the first clue: Emma Lee Waterhouse's husband's name, William Humphrey Fox. With that and those of their four children, it did not take long to discover their household listed immediately ahead of the Coons family in the 1900 Vandalia census—and right after them in 1910. That year, Rosa Culbertson was replaced as boarder by Emma Lee's daughter Nannie M. Fox, aged 23 and with the relationship of "niece." Clearly she had been named after Nannie S. Coons, who proved to be William H. Fox's older sister (both children of Richard Fox and Susan Jones in Pike County MO). Eventually the Coonses, like the Foxes, would move to Kansas City MO; there Harvey Coons (1852-1923) and Nannie Susan Fox Coons (1857-1947) would be buried in Forest Park Cemetery. Their son Richard Alpheus Coons died 1979 in San Bernardino CA; Rosa Culbertson—one of them, at least—died in Audrain County MO in 1952.
Thus: Lucinda Waterhouse's relationship to Harvey Coons was not mother, but "mother-in-law-of-brother-in-law."
● James W., Fannie Sue, and KCMO
James William Waterhouse, second child and oldest son of Hezekiah Waterhouse [II] and Lucinda Clifton Houx, was born on Sep. 10, 1854 in Mayview MO. On Nov. 21, 1877 he married Fannie Sue Bullard (born Jan. 19, 1859 in Aullville, Lafayette County MO: daughter of Oscar M. Bullard [1834-1919] and Agnes Jane Major [1837-1929]). The Bullard and Major family histories will be reviewed in Chapter S-9.
Like their parents, James and "Susan" Waterhouse lived in Washington Township, Lafayette County MO in 1880. As noted above, they were charter members and officers of the Mayview IOGT lodge in 1879. An "INFANT son of J.W. and F.S. Waterhouse" was born and died on Dec. 17, 1880, and buried in Marvin Chapel Cemetery. Four more children followed and survived:
* Agnes Merrie Waterhouse: born May
26, 1885
* William Bullard Waterhouse: born July 27, 1888
* John Tarsney Waterhouse: born Dec. 29, 1892
* Katherine Lucille Waterhouse: born Nov.
17, 1894
1900 census: Mayview Village, Washington Township, Lafayette County MO:
* Waterhouse, James (born Sep. 1853, aged 46,
married 23 years, born in Missouri, father from New Jersey, mother from
Missouri, occupation Farmer)
* Waterhouse, Birdie [sic] (born June 1859,
aged 41, married 23 years, five children [four living], born in Missouri, father
from Virginia, mother from Kentucky)
* Waterhouse, Agnas [sic] M. (born May
1885, aged 15, "At School")
* Waterhouse, Willie B. (born July 1888, aged 11,
"At School")
* Waterhouse, John T. (born Dec. 1893, aged 7, "At
* Waterhouse, Kate (born Nov. 1894, aged 5)
Sometime during the next decade, the family upped stakes and moved west to Kansas City MO. In 2012 MASN would say: "They came from [a] farm near Mayview, Mo. This was a great apple orchard area (which they had) and the railroad came through to pick up apples, etc. James died, left my grandmother with debt and no income. Hence, the move to K.C." However, records show James living with the family in Kansas City for at least four years, renting a house at 1104 Bellefontaine.
He must have encountered his share of grandfather James's misfortunes: in KCMO he worked as a "Laborer, Odd Jobs" (1910 census), "real est[ate]" (1910 and '11 city directories), "lab[orer] Park Board" (1912 directory) and "trucker Burnham-Munger-Root D G Co" (1913 directory). Burnham, Munger & Root, which also employed James's son John, was a wholesale dry goods house at the southeast corner of 8th and Broadway; their 1909 promotional postcard—"This world is made up of three kinds of people / Those who do, Those who don't, Those who can't / wear FITZ overalls"—can be viewed at ~fitz-overalls. Besides the Fitz line of work garb, they were sole manufacturers of "the patented Zero collar flannel shirt [and] the Aladdin Rain Proof Cloth for hunting" (as per promo for the 1912 Kansas City Manufacturers's Exposition: see ~burnham-munger-root). The Lawrence KS Journal-World for Oct. 30, 1913 included a large ad for "A Winter Merchandise Event / Come Friday Morning for the Greatest Saving / A Distribution of Goods from the Sale of the Burnham-Munger-Root Dry Goods Co." (Nottingham lace curtains were reduced from $1.25 to 89¢.)
Unfortunately, that same month James William Waterhouse succumbed to the tubercular peritonitis he'd been suffering for six months. He died aged 59 on Oct. 17, 1913 and was buried in Marvin Chapel Cemetery back in Lafayette County MO. (One final misfortune was the death certificate's changing his father's name to "Herman.")
By this time his family had moved from 1104 Bellefontaine to 140 S. Kensington Avenue, another rental a couple miles to the northeast. Here they would be joined by Francis See Smith (alias "Francis Lee Smith": [Carmack 249]) when he married James and Fannie Sue's youngest child Kate in May 1917, as related in Chapter S-6. As for Kate's sister and brothers:
Agnes Merrie Waterhouse worked as a "Clerk, Ladies [Furnishing?]" in the 1910 census; bookkeeper and clerk for the Parisian Cloak Company (1910-11 city directories); saleslady for Paul Kessel (1912 directory); and seam[stress] for the Kansas City Towel Company (1913-15 directories). On June 24, 1916 she married farmer Walter Ervin Martensen (born Oct. 14, 1887 in Florence, Morgan County MO: son of Heinrich Christian Martensen [1864-1923] and Maria Wilhemina Catharine "Mina" Hansen [1861-1948]): as per ~martensen-hansen. A son, William Henry Martensen, was born and died on May 22, 1918.
Daughter Mildred Sue Martensen was born Mar. 28, 1920 in Richland Township, Morgan County MO, southeast of Sedalia. By 1930 the Martensens were back in Lafayette County's Washington Township. In 1940 Mildred was a student nurse at Kansas City's General Hospital & Nurses Home. She married Pershing Thomas Kinser (born Oct. 7, 1918: son of George W. Kinser [1880-1946] and Annie M. McCasey [born 1881]) at 3214 Harrison, KCMO on Apr. 17, 1948 (their wedding invitation viewable at ~mildred_martensen). The Kinsers would have two children, but not before Agnes Waterhouse Martensen died aged 63 on Sep. 1, 1948 near Centerview, Columbia Township, Johnson County MO (just south of Lafayette). Her death certificate equivocates as to cause: "from history as obtained it was apparently coronary occlusion..." She was buried in Warrensburg MO's Sunset Hill Cemetery. Husband Walter died Aug. 1965 in Indianapolis; son-in-law Pershing died July 1983 in Beech Grove, Marion County IN; daughter Mildred died Nov. 2, 1997 in Carmel, Hamilton County IN.
"My Aunt Agnes was the oldest [Waterhouse] girl—and a beautiful person in every way," MASN would say, adding Agnes "loved Parisian Cloak Co. [which] later became Harzfeld's."
William Bullard Waterhouse worked in various capacities—teller, clerk, bookkeeper, assistant cashier—for various KCMO banks: Commerce Trust (1910), New England National (1911), Commonwealth National (1912), Westport Avenue (1913-17), Pioneer Trust Company (1918), and The Broadway Bank of Kansas City (with his name in boldface, 1922). Registering for the draft in June 1917, Bill had claimed exemption as sole support for his widowed mother; but ended up serving in the army Aug-Dec. 1918. He and his mother and brother John lived apart from sister Kate and brother-in-law F.S. Smith, at either 1008 or 1010 Chestnut Avenue (the first as per the 1919 city directory, the second as per the 1920 census); though starting in 1921 Bill and Fannie Sue rejoined the Smiths: at 5216 Wilburn Court (1921), 304 N. Lawn (1922-23), and 335 N. Lawn (1924). By 1925 the Smiths moved down to 412 S. Lawn, while Bill and Fannie Sue went up to 123 N. Lawn. On Sep. 1, 1927, Bill married Helen Olga Payne (born Dec. 12, 1893 in Batavia IA, daughter of James A. Payne and Celestia Martin); Olga worked as chief clerk for the Merchants Association Credit Bureau. They lived at 3458 Pennsylvania Avenue in 1928; at 3816 Agnes Avenue (a house valued at $12,000) 1929-31; at 3209 Jackson Avenue (1933-34), and 3837 Bellefontaine Avenue—a street that apparently came naturally to Waterhouses—by 1939. Wife Olga died Nov. 17, 1952 of liver cancer and was buried in Forest Hills Cemetery; Bill would later marry Lucille Denman George (born Mar. 13, 1899).
"My Uncle Bill went from old Broadway Bank to Vice President City [Bank & Trust]," MASN would say. "He was for years an officer with United Missouri Bank in Kansas City and died at 95, still sharp as could be when he died." William Bullard Waterhouse expired in Higginsville, a few miles from Mayview, on July 4, 1983; his second wife Lucille achieved a full century before her death on July 13, 1999.
John Tarsney Waterhouse "was the youngest boy and a real charmer—good-looking," MASN remarked. "He loved traveling the country—a fact that didn't set too well with some of the more dedicated family members." While still a teen, John worked for Velie Saddlery Company (1910) then as a stockboy and clerk at Burnham-Munger-Root Dry Goods (1911-12), a clerk at Myers & Van Meter (1915), at Williamson Grocer Company (1916), at P C Williamson (1917), and Montgomery Ward (1919). In 1916 he married Ruth Phillips and left the family home, living at 2205 Elma; daughter Ella Mae Waterhouse was born by June 5, 1917, when John registered for the draft in World War I. By 1920, though still with "married" status, he was living with his mother and brother at 1010 Chestnut. "His wife took baby and ran off with someone else," MASN would explain:
He was quite distraught, and also took off to various parts of the world. Eventually he returned to home base and lived with Aunt Agnes and family [confirmed by the 1930 census]. Strangely, in about 1939 I received a phone call from his daughter, Ella Mae (by then Proctor). I had never seen her but we met at Katz Drugstore (40th and Main). When she walked up I knew by her beautiful blue eyes and black hair she was Uncle John's daughter. He was always the handsomest of the boys. Think somehow there was an Irish connection somewhere!
John Tarsney Waterhouse died of lung cancer at the Watson Rest Home in KCMO on Dec. 22, 1961, a week shy of his 69th birthday. On his death certificate, spouse is named "Ruth Waterhouse"—no indication of whether past, present, or a second one similarly christened. John was buried in Marvin Chapel Cemetery, joining his father and also his mother: Fannie Sue Bullard Waterhouse had returned to Lafayette County before dying of uremia aged 78 on May 15, 1937.
Some Waterhouses, like Joshua and Hezekiah [II], traveled across oceans or halfway across continents. Some, like Unfortunate James and his namesake grandson, were obliged by circumstance to leave their birthplaces; while others, like James W.'s wife and sons, returned whence they came. The first category profited by their pioneering; the other two might have chosen as their epitaph to quote Don Quixote's niece Antonia:
Wouldn't it be better to stay peacefully in your house and not wander around the world searching for bread made from something better than wheat, never stopping to think that many people go looking for wool and come back shorn?
Encyclopedia Britannica, 1959 edition, Volume 23, page 727.
±2 History, Gazetteer, and Directory of the West-Riding of Yorkshire
(White, William. Sheffield: Robert Leader, 1837), page 900.
Ibid., page 398.
Ibid., page 360.
The History of Huddersfield and Its Vicinity (Sykes, D.F.E. Huddersfield:
The Advertiser Press, 1898), pages 78-80.
±6 Ibid.,
page 267.
Ibid., page 84. (Briggate is one of
the principal shopping streets in Leeds, about ten miles north of Ossett.)
Prominent and Progressive
Pennsylvanians of the Nineteenth Century, Volume 2,
Philadelphia: The Record
Publishing Co., 1898, p. 268. This claimed that "The American branch of the Ingham family came
from Yorkshire, England, about 1640, and settled in Connecticut. About the
year 1700 Jonas Ingham came to Pennsylvania from Connecticut and located at
Ingham Springs, near New Hope, Bucks County, on the Delaware, above
Philadelphia, and there established the first cloth or fulling mills in the
State. He was a Quaker of the
strictest sect and was married to a Miss Bye, who, with her father and family,
had come to America with Penn before the settlement of Philadelphia. The
descendants of their three sons, John, Jonas and Jonathan, are among the most
prominent people in the State. Among others was Doctor Jonathan Ingham,
one of the most learned physicians of his time, and who sacrificed his life
during the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia; and Samuel D. Ingham, who was
Secretary of the Treasury in the Cabinet of President Jackson."
According to the History of Bucks County,
Pennsylvania (edited by J.H. Battle, Philadelphia: A.Warner & Co., 1887,
p.535): "Jonas Ingham settled at Trenton about 1705. In 1710 he removed to Solebury and purchased from James Logan the property long known as Ingham
Spring. Jonathan Ingham Sr., the grandfather of Samuel D., was born here
in 1710, and his son Jonathan, the father of Samuel D., July 16, 1744. The
latter was a physician, and rose to eminence in that profession. He lost
his life during the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia."
History of Hunterdon and
Somerset Counties, New Jersey (compiled by Snell, James P. Philadelphia: Everts & Peck, 1881),
page 393.
±10 Early Germans of
New Jersey: Their Histories, Churches, and Genealogies, by Chambers,
Theodore Frelinghuysen. Dover: Dover Printing Company, 1895; p.584.
History of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties, New Jersey,
p. 437.
Ibid., page 439.
±13 Young's History of Lafayette County Missouri,
by Hon. William Young. Indianapolis: B.F. Bowen & Co, 1910; pp.
Sarah Ingham
The five children of Sarah Ingham and Samuel Kinsey were:
Ulysses Kinsey (born 1763: settled in Chester County PA, married [name?]
and had six children before moving west [as per Carmack 16s]); Jonas Kinsey (born 1766); Ingham
Kinsey (born 1769: settled in Northampton County PA, married Margaret
Mixsell and had twelve children); Charles Kinsey (1773-1849:
a lawyer and paper mill operator; in 1795 married
Deborah Whaley [born 1776] and had a son); and Deborah Kinsey (born
Dr. Jonathan Ingham [Jr.]
The nine children of Dr. Jonathan Ingham [Jr.] and Ann Welding were:
Euphemia Ingham (1773-1816: in 1795 married teacher/farmer John Watson [1774-1864] and had
eight children); Deborah Ingham (1776-1856: moved to Ohio with mother,
and in 1824 married John Bateman
[1779-1860]); Samuel Delucenna Ingham (1779-1860:
see more above); Anna Ingham
(1781-1821: married Davis Swain [1785-1863]); Jonathan Welding Ingham [III]
(1785-1863: married Mary Runkle [1788-1846] and had eight children, then
moved to Indiana: "was of Quaker stock, and a man of great intelligence.
His information, however, was that derived from books rather than of a practical
business character" [Carmack 23]);
Hezekiah Bye Ingham (1787-1863: married Nancy Justice [1792-1867] and
had eight children; with brother Isaiah, moved to Ohio and operated paper mills); John W. Ingham (1788-1846); Isaiah Ingham
(1789-1866: in 1814 married Susan Durst [1788-1825] and had a son, then
in 1826 married Elizabeth Thatcher [died 1871] and had three more
children); and Mary Ingham (1792-1886: moved to Ohio with mother, and in 1826 married Kelly O'Neal,
then [when?] married Simon Hadley [born 1796]).
Jonas Ingham [II]
The six children of Jonas Ingham [II] and Elizabeth Beaumont were:
Joseph Ingham (1773-1829: a millwright, married first Pamelia Ellicott
[1775-1824] and had six children, then Laura Whitcomb Vose (who'd
impressed Joseph with her skills as a "tailoress" [Carmack 11s] and had two
more children); Mary Ingham (born 1779: married Benjamin Perry and
had six children in Pennsylvania); Rebecca Ingham (born 1776: married Luther Stone);
Jonas Ingham [III] (born 1782: a farmer, married Sally Rosecrance [born
1784] and had a son); John Ingham (1784-1863: employed many in a sawmill,
sash factory and blacksmith shop; in 1809 married Matilda
Stone and had seven children); and Sarah Ingham (1786-1829; married
Raphael Stone [1788-1832] and had four children).
Hezekiah Bye
The ten children of Hezekiah Bye [Jr.] and Sarah Pettit were:
Charity Bye (1780-1839: married James Packer [1773-1814] and had a
son, William Fisher Packer [1807-1870:
see more above]); Mary Bye (1773-1814: married Levi Pennington
[1784-1843]); Rachael Bye (1784-1843: married Samuel Audrey);
Sarah Bye (born 1787: married James Malone); Euphemia Bye
(1789-1827: married Joseph Fegin); Samuel Bye (1791-1850: in 1830
married Ruth A. Moreland aka M. Ruth Morehead [1793-1870]); Hezekiah Bye [III]
(1793-1870: married Anne Jackson); Lydia Bye (1795-1857: married
John Whiteacre); William P. Bye (1798-1831: married Frances
Smith); and Elizabeth Bye (1802-1890: married Ezra Bailey).
The seven children of Enoch Bye and Abigail Kinsey were:
Amos Bye (1781-1861: "a farmer, surveyor, Justice of the Peace and 'Tee-totler'"
[Carmack 34], he married Deborah Paxson [died 1859] and had
seven children); Albert Bye (born 1785: married Anne Guy);
Jemima/Gemima Bye (1787-1872: married Robert Pearson); Anne Bye
(1796-1871: married Isaac Scott); Martha Bye (born when?:
married Jacob Hilaman); Mercy Bye (born when?: married Bailey
Biles); and Elizabeth Bye (born when? married Mahlon Heston).
Jonathan Bye [Sr.]
The five children of Jonathan Bye [Sr.] and Mary Kinsey were:
Elizabeth Bye (no info); Martha Bye (1786-1869: married first William Warfield and had a
daughter, then Jacob J. Holloway and had four more children); Susannah
Bye (1788-1875: married James Judkins); Jonathan Bye [Jr.]
(1793-1871: married Martha C. [surname? born 1793] and had eleven
children; "a restless man who had outstanding ability as a Machinist and
Builder. He constructed a water mill and built the town of Byesville
around it" in Gurnsey County OH, later moving on to Whiteside County IL [as per
Carmack 16s-17s]); Jonas Bye (1794-1860: married Martha Walker and had
six children in Ohio); and Sarah Bye (1798-1870: married Thomas Crozier).
Samuel Bye
The six children of Samuel Bye and Elizabeth Reading were:
Theodosia R. Bye (1791-1849: married Chris Sutphen and had six
children); Reading Bye (1791/92-1866: married Sarah Corbin
[1793-1882] and had three children, moving from Ohio to Indiana); Anastasia Bye (born 1793: married
John T. French); Amy Bye (born when? married Rev. A. Grey);
Mary Bye (born when? married Dr. James Judson); and Charles Bye
(born when?).
Joshua Waterhouse [II]
The five children of Joshua Waterhouse [II] and Mary Pritty were:
Rebecca Waterhouse (born 1796, married a Mr. Sullivan);
Margaret Waterhouse (1787-1835, married John Rudebock
[Sr.] [1776-1857] and had ten children; John Waterhouse (1792-1868: a carpenter and, as his
eyesight failed, a turnpike toll collector; married Elizabeth
Miller [1793-1880] and had five children; joined his brothers in Ohio and
was buried in Hamilton's Greenwood
Cemetery, as were his wife and four sons); Charles Green Waterhouse
(1800-1871: see more above and
below); and
Isreal P. "I.P." Waterhouse (1805-1850: a farmer and carpenter; in 1825 married Mary Ann Crantz
[born 1806] and had ten children).
The eight children of
Jonas Waterhouse and Anna Runk were:
Ambrose Waterhouse [II] (1801-1869: "a favorite of his Grandfather who
willed him the silver buttons... but as a laborer at age 59, had hardly lived up
to the high expectations of his grandfather" [Carmack 43]; married Matilda [surname?
1801-1874] and had five children); Lewis Waterhouse (born 1810;
unmarried, his widowed mother lived with him in 1850);
Elizabeth Waterhouse (born 1815); Margaret Waterhouse (born 1816);
John R. Waterhouse (born 1821: a carriage maker and wheelwright in
Binghamton; married Mary J. [surname? born 1823]
and had a daughter; three of his sisters lived with him in 1850); Sarah Waterhouse (born 1823); Ann Waterhouse
(born 1825); and Charles S. Waterhouse (born 1829).
The seven children of
Mary Waterhouse and Thomas Taylor [Sr.] were:
Robert Taylor (lived in Monterey before the Mexican War); Sinclair Taylor
(lived in Matamoros before the Mexican War); Thomas Taylor [Jr.];
Amelia Ann Taylor; Elizabeth Taylor; Mary Taylor; and Jane
Elizabeth Green
The three children of Elizabeth Green and John Hoagland were:
Jonathan Hoagland; Samuel Hoagland; and John Hoagland.
The five children of Sarah Green and Charles Sergeant were:
Elizabeth Sergeant (1793-1873: married William Reading [1787-1831]); Richard Green Sergeant (1795-1878: married Margaret Besson
[1802-1876] and had three children; "he was a sort of legendary character,
having had a schoolhouse named for him and also the famous Green Sergeant's
Covered Bridge which... is the last remaining covered bridge in New Jersey" [Carmack
44]); Mary Sergeant (born 1799: married
James Woolverton [1792-1871] and had ten children); Permelia Sergeant
(1800-1839: in 1824 married Joseph Wood [1801-1860: who became a wealthy
merchant and Mayor of Trenton NJ] and had a daughter);
and Emma Sergeant (1803-1886: in 1830 married James Larison [born
1808] and had four children).
Richard Green
The six children of R. G. Waterhouse by Mary "Polly" Tipton were:
Richard Waterhouse [Jr.] (1805-1863: married Mary Thomas Lane
[1813-1872] and had ten children; was one of the "Immortal Thirteen" in the
Tennessee Senate, a colonel in the Mexican War, and "murdered in his store, for
his money" [JWD 1,581] in San Augustine TX); Ammon Waterhouse (born/died
1806); Blackstone Waterhouse (1808-1847:
a merchant in Alabama, married Susan Lewin [1814-1851] and had three children); Myra
Waterhouse (1810-1891: married Dr. Gideon Blackburn Thompson [1806-1873] and
had four children; photo on Carmack 78); Cyrus Waterhouse (1812-1840: died unmarried of yellow
fever in Texas); and [see Notes] Dr. Darius
Waterhouse (1815-1875: physician, surgeon, and county clerk; married Harriet C. Sharp
[1827-1904] and had nine children; portrait on Carmack 83).
The six children of R. G. Waterhouse by Mary "Polly" Tipton and
Elizabeth "Betsey" Hackett were:
Euclid Waterhouse (1816-1885: a banker and speculator, married first
Ann Eliza
Campbell [1820-1840] and had two daughters, then Cornelia Frances Townes
[1824-1903] and had seven more children; freed his slaves as the Civil War
approached; photo with Cornelia on Carmack 86, and floor plan of his house on
Carmack 88); Elizabeth Waterhouse (1818-1820);
Ann Waterhouse (1821-1870:
in 1840 married George Madison Smartt [1814-1870], "a large and
prosperous farmer" [Carmack 97] and son of Ann's stepfather Gen. William
Cheek Smartt; he and Ann had ten children, and among their
descendants was William E. Brock, U.S. Senator and Secretary of Labor);
Vesta Waterhouse (1822-1878: married Capt. Warner Ellmore Colville
[1818-1876] and had ten children; among their grandchildren were Frank Earle
Robinson [1881-1957] and Samuel Ellmore Robinson [1896-1952], proprietors
of the Dayton TN drugstore where the Scopes Evolution Case was planned); Franklin Waterhouse (1823-1892: in
1842 married Lorinda Thompson [1821-1903] and had six children; "was
stricken with fever in the Florida swamps and never fully regained his health" [JWD
1,589]); and Porcia/Portia Waterhouse (1861-1879).
The three children of Margaret Waterhouse and Abraham I. Stryker were:
Elizabeth G. Stryker (1800-1888: married timberman Martin Kellogg
[1801-1877] and had a daughter, Amelia S. Kellogg [1825-1893] who married
Gen. Dwight
May [1822-1880] after the Kelloggs
moved to Michigan); Abraham A. Stryker (born 1810: farmer and timberman; married
Susan M. Knapp [born 1816] and had six children); and Lydia Stryker
(1815-1870: married Dr. Henry L. Stearnes [died 1869] and had five
Elizabeth Waterhouse
[daughter of Henry]
The five children of Elizabeth Waterhouse and Hart Johnson were:
Jane Johnson (1799-1833: married Philip I. Fine [born c.1795]); Margaret Johnson
(1801-1850: married Abraham Arndt [1797-1850] and had two children];
Henry W. Johnson (1804-1883: married first Jane K. Johnson
[1809-1831] and had a son, then his cousin
Sarah Waterhouse [1799-1867] daughter of his great-uncle Ingham, and had
two daughters before marrying thirdly Lucinda Bunn
[1822-1912]); Elizabeth Johnson (1814-1900: married hotelkeeper William S.
Hartpence [1808-1881] and had six children); and Amy Johnson
(1822-1891: married hotelkeeper Jeremiah King [1820-1871] and had six children).
Jonathan Barcroft
The six children of Jonathan Barcroft and Jane Ferguson were:
Ambrose Bancroft [II] (1804-1845); Alice Barcroft (born 1806:
married John Bell and had a son); Jane Barcroft (1806-1882);
Elizabeth Barcroft (1811-1882); Martha Barcroft (1813-1873); and
Mary Barcroft (1814-1881: married John D. Cowan and had three
Elizabeth Waterhouse
[daughter of Ingham]
The six children of Elizabeth Waterhouse and John Lequear were:
Sarah Lequear (born 1816: married Mahlon Emmons [1815-1895] and
had a son); Thomas Lequear (1819-1896: married Mary Barcroft
[1820-1882] and had three children); Jane Lequear (born 1821: married
George R. Runkle [born 1818] and had four children); John W. Lequear
(1823-1905: married first Elizabeth Armitage [1821-1862] and had four
children, then Catherine Jane Rittenhouse [1839-1912] and had four more;
"he was much interested in genealogy and furnished much of the material for this
sketch of the descendants of Joshua Waterhouse" [JWD 1,591]);
Mary Lequear (born 1826: married Henry Fisher [born 1828] and had
six children); and William Lequear (1828-1863: "died in the army near
Vicksburg" [JWD 1,591]).
Waterhouse and
Henry W. Johnson
The two children of cousins Sarah Waterhouse and Henry W. Johnson were:
Amy K. Johnson (born 1837: married first Dr. Thomas M. Bartolette
[1827-1866] in 1855 and had a daughter, then in 1866 married hotelkeeper Michael Hallahan,
who died in a train wrecj); and Augusta Johnson (1839-1869: married
storekeeper James N. Hice
[1836-1896] and had three children, including Rosa Hice Beers
[1861-1932], whose daughter Amy Beers [born 1885] "served on a shock team
in WWI behind the front lines [and] received a French medal for meritorious
service" [Carmack 56])
Elias B.
The three children of Elias B. Waterhouse and Mary L. Ward were:
Phebe J. Waterhouse (1840-1889: married George Washington Gemberling
[1838-1920] in 1863); Samuel J. Waterhouse (born c.1840: married
Lucinda Crissinger [1843-1868] in 1863 and had a daughter, Mary Matilda
Waterhouse [1864-1896] who was raised by her Crissinger grandparents; a
photo of Samuel J. and Lucinda appears on Carmack 124); and
William Henry Waterhouse (born c.1845): as per ~eliaswaterhouse
and Carmack [123-24].
Waterhouse [Jr.]
The eight children of Ingham Waterhouse [Jr.] and Frances S. "Fannie"
Calvin were:
William Henry Waterhouse (1833-1856); Joshua Calvin Waterhouse
(1835-1864); John Waterhouse (born 1839); Helen M. Waterhouse
(1842-1867); Henrietta Waterhouse (1844-1903: married Stacy B. Brink
[born 1843] and had a son); Frances Waterhouse (1848-1881); Anna
E. Waterhouse (1852-1898); and Eliza Waterhouse (born 1855).
Tunis Eick/Eycke [Jr.]
The ten children of Tunis Eick/Eycke [Jr.] and Susannah Taylor were:
Elijah Eycke (born 1782); Elizabeth Eick (1784-1825: married
Moses Thatcher [born 1787]); Lydia Eick/Eycke (1786-1808); Taylor
Eick/Eycke (1786-1836: married Anna Horner [1798-1865] and had eight
children); Catherine Eick/Eycke (1788-1826: in 1822 married Jehu
Curtis [1790-1876] and had two children); Grace Eick/Eycke
(1791-1867; in 1829 married her sister Catherine's widower Jehu Curtis
and had a child); George Eick/Eycke (1796-1808); Ann Eick/Eycke
(1801-1808); John Eick/Eycke (1804-1808); and
Jane Eick/Eycke
(1807-1861): as per ~godowns/eick and, to a lesser extent, ~teneyck
Theodosia Hoff
The four children of Theodosia Hoff and Benjamin Wright were:
Jeremiah H[off?] Wright (c.1813-1885: married first Fanny
[surname? 1816-1841] and had two children, then Elizabeth H. Opdycke
[1821-1897] in 1843 and had two more children; buried in Frenchtown Cemetery,
Hunterdon County NJ); John M. Wright (1817-1845); Nathaniel Wright
(1825-1887: worked as a miller; in 1845 married Euphemia Miller Rodenbough
[1825-1906] and had five children; buried in Mt. Pleasant (Methodist) Cemetery,
Hunterdon County NJ); and Jacob H. Wright (1828-1850; also buried in Mt.
Pleasant); all as per ~bosse-flinn.
The four children of Hezekiah Hoff and Cornelia J. Fisher were:
Emma C. Hoff (born 1858); Ella Jane Hoff (1864-1922, buried in
Frenchtown Cemetery); H. Estella Hoff (1867-1912: married Peter B.
Chamberlin [1868-1926], buried in Frenchtown Cemetery); and Jeremiah W.
Hoff (1868-1894: buried in Frenchtown Cemetery); as per ~burrowes-lee.
The three children of Mary Hoff and John Brown were:
Elizabeth Brown (born 1831: married Elias Trimmer [born 1824] and
had four children]; Martha Brown (born when?); and Thomas Brown
(born when?); as per Carmack [243]
The eight children of Jacob Hoff and Sarah Hoffman were:
George Hoff (1830-1881: married Rosalie/Rensalia/Renzella Fisher
[born 1827] in 1851 and had a son); Elizabeth Hoff (born 1833);
Jeremiah J. Hoff (born 1836: married Jane S. Merrill [born 1834] in
1857 and had three children); William A. Hoff (born 1837: married Mary
Ann Prall [born 1840] in 1861); Mary Hoff (1839-1904: married Rev.
John F. Dodd [born 1837]; her obituary also refers to her father as "Rev.
Jacob Hoff"); Susan Hoff (born 1843); Hezekiah W. Hoff (born 1845:
married Florence A. [surname? born 1845 or 1852] and had a son); and
Sarah A. Ellen Hoff (1848/49-1879: married Lemuel Madison Deats
[1845-1879] in 1867); as per ~burrowes-lee.
The four children of
Lydia Hoff and Willian W. Aller were:
Samuel Aller (born 1834); Henry Aller (born 1837); Jacob Aller
(born 1839), and Susan Aller (born 1845).
R. Waterhouse
The three children of Samuel R. Waterhouse and Harriet S. Phillips were:
Ellen Waterhouse (born 1859), Laura Waterhouse (born 1861: married
Joseph E. Allen [born 1856] in 1879) and Lillie N. Waterhouse
(born 1863: married William C. Jenkins [born 1859] in 1880).
Catherine F.
The eight children of Catherine F. Waterhouse and Jacob Whiteman were:
Caroline Whiteman (born 1865: married Wesley R. Greek [born 1876]
in 1898); Elizabeth W. Whiteman (born 1867: married a Mr. Smith);
Florence M. Whiteman (born 1868: married Felix C. Gottschalk [born
1866] in 1890); Annie V.H. Whiteman (born 1871: married a Mr. Sutton);
Jennie R. Whiteman (born 1874); Grace E. Whiteman (born 1877);
Edith F. Whiteman (born 1881: married a Mr. Thomas); and one son,
George W. Whiteman (born 1884): as per Carmack 80s.
Patience G.
Ten Broeck
The ten children of Patience G. Ten Broeck and Albert G. Hoadley were:
Willard C. Hoadley (1860-1895: lived in Earlham IA, marrying Elizabeth A. Barnett in
1883 and had a son); Harry T.B. Hoadley (1862-1931: a farmer who settled
in Kennewick WA, marrying Margaret
A. Shields [1860-1935] in 1889 and had five children); Albert N. Hoadley
(born 1864: a carpenter who settled in San Bernardino CA, marrying Gusta A. Hanscome in 1901 and had four children);
Jennie A. Hoadley (born 1865: married farmer George W./H. Sawyers [born
1860] in 1887 and had two children); Jessie M. Hoadley (1868-1945:
married Charles A./H. Hardy [1859-1918] in 1896, moved to Plattsmouth NE and had three children);
Nelson V.D. Hoadley (1869-1928: a farmer who settled in Adair County IA,
marrying Florence Wambold [1871-1949]
in 1893 and had four children); Vernon B. Hoadley (born 1872: a farmer
who settled in Mendon MO, marrying
Lena Haynes [1876-1946] in 1896 and had a daughter); Frank K. Hoadley
(born 1876: a laundryman who settled in Crookston MN, marrying Margaret M. Brandon [born 1874] in 1901 and had a
daughter); Archie B. Hoadley (1878-1939: settled in Ottawa KS, marrying Mary Walford
[1876-1960] in 1899 and had four children); and Charles E. Hoadley
(1880-1934: in the insurance and investments business in Tulsa OK "in the 1930s
when the great depression took its toll" [Carmack 41s], marrying Florence [surname?]): as per Carmack
41s and 81s.
Alvin Drummond
The three children of Alvin Drummond and Bertha E. Maw were:
Glenn Overton Drummond (born 1897: married Ruth Catherine Milne
[1899-1989] in 1921 and had a son); Nellie Myrtle Drummond (born 1899:
married first Byno Gordon [1891-1918] in 1917 and had a son, then
in 1919 married Charles Darrell Lindsley [1894-1973] and had two more
children); and Beulah E. Drummond (born 1902: married first Van
McCowan in 1921 and had a daughter, then Ludlow Gale Collins
[1900-1966] in 1926 and had two more children, then William Thompson in
Ella Lee
The two children of Ella Lee Drummond and Russell E. Palmer were:
Russell Drummond Palmer (1906-1993: married Lenora June Benedict
[born 1912] in 1939 and had a son); and Elgena Palmer (1907-2006:
married Charles William Bisher [1906-1976] and had two children).
Henry Clay
Drummond [Sr.]
The four children of Henry Clay Drummond [Sr.] and Isabella Beatrice
Seward were:
Mary Margaret Drummond (born/died 1920); Leo Drummond (1922-2013:
married Genevieve Brightwell in 1944); Henry Clay Drummond [Jr.]
(born 1923: married Hope Sutton in 1945); and Richard V. Drummond
(born 1925: married Leola Marjory Goodson [born 1926] in 1949 and had six
Ethel Lucinda Waterhouse
The three children of Ethel Lucinda Waterhouse and Fred Hand were:
Forrest Milford Hand (born 1906: married Evelyn Burch and had a
son); Isa Florence Hand (born 1908: married first Joe Thornton
[died 1958] and had two children; then married Elvin Upshaw); and
William Oliver Hand (born 1917: married Lucille Pierson and had four
Virginia Loreen
The three children of Virginia Loreen Waterhouse and Dr. Robert
William Gordon [Jr./II] were:
Virginia L. Gordon (born 1935: married Daniel Joseph Gossert in
1966); Robert William Gordon III (born 1939: married Ruth Ann Olson
in 1968 and had two children); and Margaret Ella Gordon (born 1947:
married Stanley R. Austin).
Charles Ewing
Waterhouse Jr.
The three children of Charles Ewing Waterhouse Jr. and Lucille "Peggy"
Rutledge were:
Charles Ewing Waterhouse III (born 1927: married Betty Jo Neely
[born 1927] and had four children; worked as a teacher, principal, and school
superintendent); Russell R. Waterhouse (born 1928: married Sandra
Crawford [born 1938] and had two children: worked as art director for El
Paso Natural Gas Co.); and Margaret Sue "Peggy" Waterhouse (born 1931:
married William James Gonzalez [born 1928] and had four children).
● Carmack Waterhouse was a jurist; the title page of his Certain
Topics on the Ingham, Waterhouse and Allied Families credits him as follows:
"Carnegie-Mellon U., BS in E.E.; George Washington U., LLB; American U., M.P.L.;
Georgetown U., J.D. Member of the Bar: Dist. of Columbia, Tennessee, U.S.
Court of Claims, U.S. Court of Customs & Pat. App., U.S. Supreme Court; Lt.
Col., USAR, Ret." The Georgetown University Law Center has Carmack
Waterhouse Professors of Legal Theory and Constitutional Law.
● Many
webgens give Jonas
Ingham parents—Jonathan Ingham
(born c. 1649) and Mary Ainsworth (born 1653)—and
siblings. But as with
Joshua Waterhouse, these antecedents appear to be drawn from old Yorkshire
annals of weddings and christenings, and based on timing and proximity rather
than documented connections.
● "Towns belonging to the Burton Meetings" of Quakers in the West
Riding, which gave Jonas Ingham his certificate, "included Barnsley, Ardsley,
Cudworth, and Carlton, all located just south of Huddersfield, a textile center"
(Carmack 3s).
● A 1776 map of Hunterdon County NJ appears on Carmack 11.
● "According to tradition the Byes came from Normandy to England
shortly after the Norman Conmquest in 1066. Ranulph de Bayeux, the first
settler[,] had his barony in Lincolnshire. The name became Bay and then
Bye. From 1400 for 200 years, the family engaged in wool cloth mfg. in
Reading, Berkshire Co. and was prominent with members in Parliament, serving as
Mayors and holding other offices... Nathaniel Bye (ca1677-1748) was a fur
trader, fought in the Queen Anne's War, and put on his armor on his death bed
and instructed that he be buried in it. Altho' not a Quaker he was buried
in the Buckingham Burial Grounds, giving rise to the tradition of a Quaker
Knight... [His] daughter Mercy was one of seven dark-eyed Bye girls who
rode her horse to the Buckingham Meeting, attracting such admiring attention
that the tradition persists" [Carmack 3s-5s].
Besides Carmack, sources regarding
Elizabeth Ingham Waterhouse's siblings, nieces and nephews include ~mcmurray
and ~shaw-johnson. Some webgens include other siblings, such as
Jonas Ingham (born c.1725) and Martha Ingham (born 1727)—plus
a Sarah Ingham born
in England c.1696, who allegedly married John Bye.
~burger_declerico inexplicably gives Joshua Waterhouse and Elizabeth
Ingham an
additional child, Robert Waterhouse, despite acknowledging he was born Jan. 30, 1753 in Liverpool, England,
and married Sarah Beakbane on Sep. 8, 1778 in Wray, Lancashire.
● Among the 5,000+ victims of the 1793 yellow fever epidemic in
Philadelphia were Dolley Payne Todd's husband John and their younger son
William, who both died on Oct. 24th (seventeen days after Dr. Jonathan Ingham
[Jr.]). A year later Dolley married James Madison, and was expelled from
the Society of Friends for marrying a non-Quaker.
Charles Green Waterhouse and Jane Eycke moved from Hunterdon County NJ to
Hamilton County OH and lived for seven years
(1838-45) on William Henry Harrison's farm [Carmack 38]; their
children reportedly went to school with future President Benjamin Harrison.
Charles and Jane moved on to Illinois and then Iowa in 1846.
● Charles and Jane had
five children: Elizabeth C. Waterhouse (1831-1913: married James
Armstrong Gibson [1824-1907] and had two children); Deborah Waterhouse
(1832-1905: married P. D. Bailey [1827-1912] and six children);
Moses T. "Mosie" Waterhouse (1836-1891: married Alice M. Bell
[1848-1930] and had eleven children); Taylor Eycke Waterhouse (1838-1886:
married Louisa E. Harkleroad [1853-1938] and had two children); and
Susan E. Waterhouse (1840-1891: married first Lewis A. Porter
[1843-1868] and had a son, then married Dennis Racer [1839-1916] and had
four more children).
● Charles and Jane's son Taylor Waterhouse "was an exceptionally
fine looking young man" and got "mixed up in some of the Indian wars." He
left Iowa in 1862 with a group that was attacked by Indians southeast of Fort
Hall; given up for dead, funeral services were held for Taylor back in Iowa, but
he'd survived and was rescued by Mormons, later returning to Iowa and raising a
family there [Carmack 38-39, including a photo].
● Polly Tipton Waterhouse, daughter of William "Fighting Billy"
Tipton and Phoebe Moore, evidently reached a divorce settlement with
Richard Green Waterhouse on Sep. 30, 1814 in Blount County TN (as per ~mcmurray/tipton).
This would seem to indicate that Darius Waterhouse (born Jan. 14, 1815)
was her last child by R.G., since he didn't marry Elizabeth "Betsey" Hackett
till Jan. 1, 1816 (as per
~a's database of Tennessee
Marriages to 1825); and that Euclid Waterhouse (born Oct. 3, 1816) was Betsey's
first. Polly married Martin Rhea (born 1780) on Apr. 15, 1819 and
died in Cleveland, Bradley County TN in 1842—though Carmack [61] says: "Polly is
not mentioned in her father's Will and... is not often mentioned in Tipton
genealogy but legend says she rode a mule to Texas when she was past 60 and died
● At the end of the Mexican War, Col. Richard Waterhouse [Jr.] "was
paid in silver, which he had made into tumblers that are now the prized
possession of granddaughter, Mrs. Bess Stanley. Unfortunately, compiler
has had the privilege of drinking nothing stronger than boiled custard from
them" [Carmack 65].
● One of Blackstone Waterhouse's granddaughters, Minnie Lillian Bailey
(1858-1904: "the prettiest of the Bailey girls") was first married to Joseph
E. Johnston, namesake nephew of Confederate Gen. Joe Johnston; after
he was killed by bandits in Dennison TX, Minnie married James K. Pittman
(born 1854), a Corsicana TX merchant—"who, it is said, wore a large handkerchief
in each hip pocket because he thought he should be fuller in the rear than he
was" [Carmack 73].
● Dwight May (1822-1880) met Henry
Waterhouse's great-granddaughter Amelia S. Kellogg at the University of
Michigan; they married in 1849 and had three daughters. Dwight entered the
Civil War as a private and mustered out as a brigadier general. He served
as Michigan's Lieutenant Governor 1867-69 and state Attorney General 1869-73; a
photo appears on Carmack 30s, which refers to May as "a man of outstanding
● Carmack [251] shows Jane Dean Waterhouse's deathdate at 1838, but
her Rosemont marker (viewable at
~g) indicates 1848.
There has been webgen forum speculation that the Eick/Eycke family hailed from
Holland rather than Germany, and their surname was originally "Ten Eyck, Teneyck
or Ten Eycke" (~bonnie/teneyck).
● Some
Family Trees at
mention a Sophia Eycke (1759-1818) whose parents were Philip Eich/Eick and Eva
Christina Scharfenstein/Sharpenstein. ~ike_familytree is the only
one to connect this Sophia to Hezekiah Waterhouse.
~bowen-noya says Lydia Hoff was born Mar. 21, 1810; married John Smith
[1810-1881]; had eight children; died Dec. 1877 and was buried in Titusville
Presbyterian Cemetery, Titusville NJ. This differs from Carmack and all
other webgens.
● Details on George Washington Waterhouse and Elizabeth Ten Broeck's
family were found in ~spencer-severson
and the Ten Broeck Genealogy at
● Several webgens list Sidney Waterhouse's husband Miron as "Myron B.
Hill," born Jan 13, 1824 in Delaware Co NY, son of Silas Hill and Abigail
Burdick; adding that he died July 13, 1895 in Kortright, Delaware County NY.
● Washington Small married Ary T. Barnes on Dec. 3,
1848 in Lafayette County MO. By 1860, Washington (a miller) was living with Ary T.,
9-year-old William and 2-year-old Mary E. in Kansas City MO; the Smalls owned two slaves, a
23-year-old female and 9-year-old male. In the 1870 census, Washington Small
(farm laborer)
was living in Davis Township, Lafayette County with 19-year-old William and
12-year-old Mary.
● Mayview MO is about 30 miles east of Blue Springs, longtime home of MASN;
and about 45 miles east of KCMO.
● Many details about the Drummond family came from
● As adults, the children of Mary Ann Waterhouse and Newton Drummond
tended to give "United States" as their father's birthplace in federal censuses.
● ~waterhouse_bessie
confuses Oliver Houx Waterhouse's firstborn with Bessie E. Simmerman, who married coal miner George W. Moffet
on Oct. 16, 1898 in Lafayette County MO and had seven children.
● ~waterhouse_eva calls Eva Kathleen Waterhouse's husband "Raymond Wilson Duncan"
rather than Raymond W. DeKraay.
● In 1910 the Waterhouses had two boarders at 1104 Bellefontaine:
Charles S. Parsons (aged 26) and Oscar Bridges (aged 27), both mechanics at a bolt
~a transcribes Martensen as
"Martineau" in the 1930 census.
● Carmack [249] shows John Waterhouse's daughter Ella Mae as marrying Perry Mosley in
1939, and Lorrell Knotts at a later date. MASN recalls her surname
as being Proctor, and says Ella Mae later moved to South America.
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